What sow in May in the open ground?

Ogorodniki with experience know that when planting vegetables should focus not only on the calendar, but also on weather conditions. Spring can be warm or cold, early or protracted, in each region it comes at different times. But, despite this, many are interested in what is better to sow in the open ground in May?

What is planted in May in the open ground?

Planting seeds in the open ground in May depends on the weather and the decade of the month.

So, if the spring turned out to be cold, but the frosts are behind, then first of all sow such crops as carrots, onion, radish, parsley, cilantro, dill, lettuce, spring garlic, sorrel, spinach . These plants are cold-resistant, because they can be planted in May in the open ground, without fear of short-term recurrent frosts.

If the cold has already passed, and the weather is warm, sow corn, beans, asparagus, peas on the beds. Also at this time, pre-grown seedlings are usually planted. This applies to cucumbers and peppers, tomatoes and eggplant, celery and zucchini, pumpkin and squash, leek, colored and white cabbage. However, be careful: May - a very insidious month in terms of weather, and after the onset of heat, it can quite sharply turn cold.

In May, usually potatoes are planted. As a rule, planting is carried out in the open ground in mid-May or when the soil warms up to 7-8 ° C. The folk sign says that potatoes should be sown in the period when the bird cherry blooms.

As for flower crops, most of them are planted in May: escholzium, poppy, calendula, lavater, cosme, tagetes, nasturtium, dahlia and gladiolus tubers, seedlings of asters, lion's pharynx, ageratum, carnations, viola, forget-me-nots, verbena and other annuals and perennial ornamental plants.