Kim Kardashian before and after plastics

In the pursuit of excellence, there is nothing wrong, that's just why the public is being biased towards plastic surgery, it's unclear. The skilled hands of a plastic surgeon will reduce the nose, enlarge the chest or buttocks, in a word, any whim for your money.

However, the payment for such work should be worthy, since in addition to an impressive fee, the "sculptor" will receive nothing more. No fame or ovation - everything should remain a secret, and in a moment the transformed celebrity will tell fans about natural beauty or a miraculous diet. It's a shame, but most likely plastic surgeons have long found themselves other comforts.

Why all these reflections. Simply today, we will join the number of Kim Kardashian's fans, who do not stop discussing whether their pet made plastic, and what kind of interventions, according to experts, she resorted to. However, about everything in order, and start with the most piquant and exciting topic - the "fifth point" of a secular lioness.

Kim Kardashian before and after the plasty of the buttocks

No matter how much beauty Kim tried to convince the fans in her natural beauty and forms given by nature, she did not succeed. Even X-ray images did not assure the public that such an "appetizing ass" is postnatal changes or heredity.

Nothing but plastic, such buttocks against the slender waist and hips - the experts are unanimous that Kim Kardashian addressed the surgeon all the same. And the skeptics are completely sure that this is another PR move, in order to attract everyone's attention to their person. Confess to Kim that the operation took place - and that's all: no riddles, no shocking , and everyone is interested in catching a star in deception and revealing its terrible secret.

But now, not about this, let's return to the pope Kim Kardashian. Opinions about the sharp increase in the size of the buttocks diverge. Some believe that there has not been without implants, others are convinced of the miraculous power of liposuction . But anyway, whether Kim Kardashian did the plasticity of the buttocks, or not - even visual pictures "before and after" can not be taken for truth in the last instance.

Kim Kardashian - plastic face

No less exciting topic is the face of a secular lioness. Unlike the figure, which by the way does not exactly match the model parameters, the girl's face was originally close to the ideal. Not so long ago, Kim's appearance had characteristic national features. What we see now: an ideal flat nose, smoothly outlined symmetrical line of eyebrows, missing from the forehead, fluffy, bared cheekbones. Specialists in the field of plastic surgery openly declare that the scalpel nevertheless touched the cute celebrity person. Judging by the last photo, definitely, there was rhinoplasty, it was possible to introduce fillers and implants into the chin. As a result of the intervention, Kim's face became more open and elegant, the oval stretched out, and the skin smooth and taut.

In this case, it is worth paying tribute to, Kim does not deny that she did Botox injections. Moreover, in her show the girl honestly tells about the sensations. In addition, Kim decided to advertise a new anti-aging procedure, called plasmolifting. This technique is aimed at eliminating wrinkles with the help of injections of blood plasma.

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But what the beauty really owes her impeccable appearance, to this day remains a mystery. Also, it is not known how Kim Kardashian would look without plastic, if such, of course, had a place to be.