Gaziki and colic in newborns - what to do?

Babies often cry and fret, in many cases, the cause is the ghazi and colic in a newborn baby, and what to do in this situation is not known to everyone. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand this issue, so that parents more calmly perceive the situation and know how to behave.

From what do the newborn have gazicks and colic?

To understand how to help the crumb, it is necessary to find out the nature of these phenomena. First it is necessary to determine, what is the difference between colic and carcinoma in newborns. These two phenomena are directly related. Gazikami usually called increased gassing in an infant, which leads to bloating. All this provokes painful sensations, which are called colic.

The main cause of these phenomena is the immaturity of the baby's gastrointestinal tract, therefore the problem does not require any special treatment. There are several factors that can contribute to these unpleasant moments:

How to save a newborn from colic and gazik?

Each mother can help her child. Here are important points that need attention:

  1. Feeding the nursing. If a woman is breastfeeding, it is important to adjust your diet, completely remove products that promote gas generation. It is necessary to monitor your menu, monitor the reaction of crumbs to food.
  2. Breastfeeding. It must be ensured that the baby correctly grasps the nipple. If the baby is on artificial feeding, then it is important to choose a suitable mixture, use anti-pelvic nipples.
  3. Massage. Stroking the baby on the tummy, applying a warm diaper removes unpleasant sensations.
  4. Dill water. This is a proven tool that you can prepare yourself.
  5. Medications. The doctor can recommend Bobotik, Espumizan.

You can also use a gas pipe. Each mother should know how to help the child with colic and gazikah, but it is also important to remember that these phenomena go by themselves in 3-4 months.