Diet for weight loss at home

In many modern diets, the authors point out such outlandish products that it is difficult to imagine how such a system can be realized. We will consider diets that are suitable for losing weight at home. There are many of them, but in this article those will be presented that will not harm the body, but, on the contrary, will be very useful.

Fast diet for losing weight at home

If you want to lose weight quickly, be prepared for rather strict restrictions. The presented diet allows you to lose 4-5 kg ​​per month, even if you do not have a lot of excess weight. If the preponderance is significant, the pace may be even more intense. Its basic principles are simple:

Consider the approximate diet and recipes of a diet for losing weight at home, so that it would be clearer how to use the system:

  1. Breakfast: a couple of boiled eggs, or tea with a slice of cheese.
  2. Lunch: chicken broth with chicken breast, greens, 1 slice of cereal bread, cucumber salad with lemon juice / vinegar.
  3. Snack: natural, unsweetened yogurt or kefir - 1 glass.
  4. Dinner: baked fish / chicken / beef with garnish of fresh vegetables (ideal white cabbage and Peking cabbage).
  5. One hour before sleep: tea with milk without sugar or half a glass of skimmed yogurt.

Eating so, without departing from the schedule by a single step, you will lose weight quickly enough. Remember: every indulgence makes all your other efforts inconclusive!

Simple diet for losing weight at home

No wonder they say that all ingenious is simple. In fact, to get and maintain a normal weight, you just need to adjust your diet, and build it according to the healthy principles that we all know from childhood. Let us recall its basic rules:

Consider an approximate menu of the correct diet for losing weight at home, considering which, you can easily determine the diet.

  1. Breakfast: porridge buckwheat / oatmeal, tea.
  2. Second breakfast: half a grapefruit.
  3. Lunch: a serving of low-fat soup with vegetables.
  4. Snack: white yogurt, unsweetened.
  5. Dinner: a small piece of meat / poultry / fish with a garnish of vegetables.
  6. One hour before sleep: half a cup of kefir 1% fat.

Additional measures for weight loss to any diet

In addition to nutrition, there are other ways to influence the rate of change in weight. The most important thing is your persistence in achieving the goal, if there is one, there will be the desired figure on the scales. And to bring the results to you will help such measures:

  1. And to bring the results to you will help such measures:

    Clean the body of toxins and toxins. Nutritionists consider Enterosgel enterosorbent cleansing as an indispensable stage in any weight loss program, as it actively absorbs slags and toxins that are abundant in the body when splitting fatty deposits. When fatty deposits are intensively broken down, toxins get into the blood, causing an exacerbation of chronic diseases, nausea and unpleasant taste in the mouth, gastritis and stool disorders, dullness of the skin with the appearance of acne and spots on it. People mistakenly believe that these phenomena are associated with a decrease in calorie content of food, but in fact the problem is precisely in toxins!

    It is also important that Enterosgel fills the stomach well, thereby creating a feeling of fullness, and at the same time absorbs excess gastric juice and enzymes. This neutralizes their irritating effect on the walls of the stomach, that is, weight loss does not end with gastritis.

  2. Do not forget about sports . In order to clean the stomach, it is important to get used to jogging, jumping rope or walking up the stairs (you can use the simulator) at least 30-40 minutes 3 - 4 times a week. This is an important condition for effective weight loss.
  3. Contrast shower . An undeservedly forgotten, but still effective way to disperse metabolism is a contrast shower. Take it every day, changing the water from the maximum hot for you to as cold as possible.

A very important rule of any weight loss is the intake of a sufficient amount of water. Take for a rule always carry a bottle of mineral water without gas. In a day you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water - it's only 6 glasses. One glass before each meal - and weight loss will be much more rapid.