Allergenic products

Many people are faced with a negative reaction to various foods or their ingredients, but often they themselves do not know what the body responded to so violently. We list the main allergenic products. In turn, excluding them from the diet, you will be able to determine which of them caused the allergic reaction.

Milk is the most common allergen

Perhaps the most "strong" and the most popular allergenic products - cow's milk and meals, which it includes. This creates certain problems, because they often need small children. In connection with the deficiency of digestive enzymes in children there is a lot of undigested protein, which gets into the bloodstream, causing a pronounced allergic reaction.

In case of sensitivity, cow milk can sometimes be replaced with goat, although it is possible that the allergy will develop on it. In some people, only certain proteins cause a negative reaction, which break down after 20 minutes of boiling milk. Do not forget that some products use milk, so they can also cause allergies:

Cheeses mainly contain protein casein, which is why some people who are allergic to milk can afford cheese without unpleasant consequences.

Sensitivity to animal proteins

Chicken eggs, as well as eggs of other birds for some may be the most allergenic food. If there is an allergy to chicken eggs, they can not be replaced with duck or goose, because they contain the same proteins. Also it should be remembered that chicken eggs are used to prepare many dishes, to which the organism too will be sensitive.

People who are allergic to chicken eggs should be aware that chicken embryos are used to create vaccines against certain viral diseases (flu and typhoid), so they contain an admixture of chicken protein. With the introduction of such a vaccine, a severe allergic reaction can develop, so if you had to be vaccinated against these diseases, tell the doctors about the allergy.

Proteins of fish and crustaceans also sometimes cause allergies. And, if the allergic reaction is sharply expressed on one kind of fish, then it will most likely also manifest itself on all other fish. In the case of low sensitivity, intolerance often occurs only for one species of fish.

With crustaceans things are different. If the allergy appeared on one species, then it will be sensitive to all the rest of the body. In other words, if you are allergic to shrimp from the menu, you should also remove lobsters, crabs and lobsters.

Meat of cattle and birds contains a large amount of protein, but it is rare in the group "allergenic foods", and if it causes an allergy, then only within one animal. That is, people with an allergy to beef can eat meat from sheep, pigs or poultry.

Fruits, berries and nuts as the cause of allergies

Among the fruits and berries are the most allergenic foods - citrus fruits, strawberries and strawberries, but after heat treatment they are much less likely to cause intolerance, so sometimes you can treat yourself to jam, compotes or canned berries. To the development of allergy in some leads the use of nuts. Usually, intolerance occurs only in one species, but with severe allergic reactions, sensitivity to several types of nuts can be observed. It must be remembered that they are widely used in the preparation of confectionery.

The difference between allergies and intolerance

A true food allergy occurs as a result of changes in the functioning of the immune system. Therefore, an allergy is often a hereditary problem. Confirm suspicions can be done by making an immunogram. People with allergies have increased the level of antigens - immunoglobulins E (IgE). If the immune system is not involved in a negative reaction to food, it is simply about food intolerance.