Eating a pregnant woman at an early age

The beginning of pregnancy is a difficult period. It is complicated by the fact that a woman begins to experience new sensations, which she can not even always explain to herself. And here it is not only the emotional and psychological background that changes, but the physical as well. Changing taste preferences, and at the same time there are indispositions. It is very important to hold the expectant mother in this difficult time and make the feeding of the pregnant woman in the early stages diverse, and that they receive from the baby the maximum of useful substances from the food.

What to exclude from the diet?

Eating pregnant in the early stages should be balanced and completely eliminates harmful food. It includes:

What should I eat more?

The diet of a pregnant woman in the early stages should include food 5-6 times a day. Food should be familiar to the future mummy, only with some features. First of all, foods containing calcium are introduced into the diet: hard cheeses, cottage cheese, milk, kefir and homemade yoghurts. The latter fight against constipation very well, and this is important, because according to statistics, in the first trimester of pregnancy 50% of pregnant women suffer from digestive problems. Also include products containing manganese: eggs, turkey meat, oatmeal, raisins, bananas, almonds, carrots, etc. These two microelements will contribute to the fact that the fetal egg will properly form the shell and develop the placenta.

In addition, do not forget about the fiber, which is so necessary for pregnant women. Therefore, vegetables and fruits should account for 40% of the menu. Vegetables can be consumed both in steam, boiled, and stewed, necessarily adding a few drops of olive or sunflower oil. Salads from raw vegetables, seasoned with unsweetened yoghurts or low-fat sour cream are also very useful.

Fruits should be used with caution, if you are prone to fattening, because they contain a lot of sucrose and they are quite high in calories. Especially it concerns bananas and dates. More use of green apples, pears, peaches and apricots. In general, doctors have long recommended eating more that grows in the area where the pregnant woman lives.

What should be more careful with?

Future mothers, in addition to harmful food, should be careful, including in their diet strong allergens. This is due to the fact that in the future the child may have an allergy to these products:

How to deal with toxemia?

In the diet for pregnant women in the early stages should include those foods that a woman can eat. As carrots would not be useful, but if you are sick of it, then you should not invent various variations with this product. You just can not eat it.

With toxicosis, crackers and sour apples are good. If you have a morning toxicosis, then eat several crackers without getting out of bed, and a little later calmly have breakfast, and nausea should retreat. Eating apples is not very convenient, especially if you go to a business meeting, and toxicosis does not leave you alone. So make yourself a slicing of sour apples and dry them. Drying is convenient to take with you and it contains a lot of vitamins. It is also very useful to drink plenty of pure still water. In this period, the daily rate is 8 glasses. Exceptions are only those women who are prone to swelling.

If you do not want to eat at all, try to persuade yourself and the baby, eat what you love, but on condition that it is not harmful. For example, if you are happy to eat nuts and do not want meat go to meet your body, and make a vegetable salad with arugula and pine nuts. It is very tasty and useful. And your baby will say thank you.

Eating a pregnant woman in the early stages can be combined in a menu of dishes that are cooked for a couple or cooked, and vegetables are served, both fresh and cooked.

Sample menu for the day:

  1. The first breakfast: oatmeal with raisins, a sandwich with butter and cheese, tea.
  2. Second breakfast: fruit salad.
  3. Lunch: chicken soup noodles, boiled potatoes with baked turkey, vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil, a glass of yogurt.
  4. Afternoon snack: an egg, a biscuit biscuit, a glass of juice.
  5. Dinner: boiled rice with sea fish, steamed, salad of fresh carrots, seasoned with low-fat sour cream or yogurt, tea.
  6. Second dinner: a small portion of cottage cheese with fruits and nuts.