Klebsiella at infants

Quite often young parents are faced with the fact that a newborn child is constantly crying because of abdominal pain, swelling, or frequent diarrhea. Do not be sure that through this pass all the babies in the early days of their lives and after a while these symptoms will pass. The cause of this condition of the baby can be the defeat of the organism by the klebsiella - a rod-shaped microorganism from the family of enterobacteria. This is one of the most common bacteria that belongs to the group of conditionally pathogenic flora, which means that it can live in the body of perfectly healthy children and, moreover, is considered one of the elements of normal intestinal flora. It should be noted that in the norm klebsiella can be present on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract or skin of the baby. Also, this bacterium is adapted to the existence in water, soil, dust and food, due to its stable property to the actions of the environment.

Klebsiella in infants - reasons

Klebsiella can be in the body of a healthy person for a long time, while not manifesting herself at all, and only in case of a decrease in immunity begins to amaze him. Most often, the diseases that are caused by klebsiella are found in infants. This is due to the peculiarity of the immunity of young children, as well as the lack of normal microorganisms in the respiratory tract, intestines and the skin since birth. In addition, the bacterium can penetrate the child's body from animal hair, from poorly washed hands, fruits, vegetables or water. Klebsiella is often found in hospitals, clinics, maternity hospitals, so in such public places, you should observe hygiene and adhere to all health standards.

Klebsiella in infants - symptoms

Symptoms of Klebsiella in the baby are quite similar to the symptoms of dysbiosis. About that in the body of a small child something is wrong, such signs as bloating, colic, frequent regurgitation may be indicative. In this case, the baby's chair is always liquid, often with an admixture of mucus or blood, and always has an unpleasant sour smell. Also, the baby has a high fever and is accompanied by a fever. Depending on the strength of immunity, the bacterium can cause infectious diseases that occur in mild form. But, if the baby has weak immunity or the stick was detected late enough, serious illnesses that require urgent intervention of certain specialists can begin. Such bacteria as Klebsiella can provoke such diseases in the infant:

The most dangerous type of klebsiel in infants is the Klebsiela pneumonia, which in rare cases causes inflammation of the lungs, but the disease is so complicated that death is not uncommon.

How to cure Klebsiella from a baby?

When there are any similar symptoms, in order to determine the cause of a child's morbid state, it is necessary to consult a doctor and pass on the analysis of the feces of the baby. If, as a result of the sowing of the infants, the Klebsiella sticks are found, it is necessary to determine what harm the bacterium has done to the body and what method of treatment should be used. As a rule, with timely treatment in the hospital and the detection of the disease, a fairly easy treatment is applied. Appointed drugs that restore the normal microflora of the baby's intestines, as well as acting on the body as antiseptics - prebiotics, synbiotics and bacteriophages. In the event that the disease occurs in severe form, therapy with antibiotics is administered under the strict supervision of a physician.