How to teach a child to get on all fours?

Approximately in 6-7 months, kids are trying to learn a new skill for them - crawling. If the crumb does not try to get on all fours, then the mother can help him learn this action. This skill is very important for the development of the youngster, as it opens up opportunities for the child to know the surrounding space. It is necessary to understand how to teach a child to get on all fours, so that the child would soon pass this stage of development. It is not difficult and does not require special knowledge from my mother.

Exercises to teach a baby to get on all fours

If you give a little time to daily training, then very soon the kid will please his parents with his successes. There are several simple exercises:

General recommendations for the organization of training

Learning how to teach a child to stand on all fours, it is also useful to listen to some tips that will simplify Mom's task:

But parents should remember that the pace of development of children may be somewhat different. Because you do not need to be equal to other kids. And if the mother is worried about the development of the baby, it is better to consult a specialist.