Juicy boiled pork at home

Cold boiled pork is a simple meat dish, known in Russian and East Slavic cuisine, which is a large piece of meat from the hip cut, baked entirely. The traditions of cooking homemade cold-boiled pork were formed in Russia from time immemorial. Prepared boiled pork with beef, pork or mutton. It should be noted that similar methods of cooking meat developed in other nations in different countries.

Preparation of juicy and delicious pork pork at home.

It is advisable to buy fresh or chilled meat for boiled pork, if you bought frozen meat, it must necessarily be marinated, so we, in some way, modify the texture of the meat, returning to it the juiciness, partially lost during freezing. Marinade for preliminary preparation of meat is made on the basis of light wine (preferably unglazed) and / or on the basis of fruit juices.



Mix the wine with water and lemon juice (you can add fresh pineapple or plum juice). Add, salt, spices, as well as chopped garlic and greens. Marinate meat in a tight container or in a tied plastic bag. It is desirable that there is no air in this container. Marinate the meat for at least 5 hours (or better at least 12 hours). Sometimes we turn the meat over. Wipe off the wiped piece with a clean cloth and dry it. We spin meat with pieces of garlic. With the help of a brush, a lot of meat is smeared with melted butter. On the piece of foil we arrange the sprigs of greens, we put a piece of meat on top and pack it. Repeat the packaging in foil twice or thrice-four times for reliability, since a piece is quite large.

Bake baked ham in the oven at least 1,5, but not more than 3 hours (depends on the size of the piece and age, and the breed of the animal). Optimal temperatures from 180 to 220 degrees C. Even better, first bake the meat for 1 hour at a higher temperature, and then slightly lower it and bring it to readiness. The prepared ham roast is not taken out of the oven for another 20 minutes, the door can be slightly opened. Lightly cool the meat in foil, turn it around, cut it into slices, spread it on a serving dish and decorate with greens. Well decorate it with red berries, and serve sauces, wine, berry, mustard or horseradish. Beautifully served pork fillet looks excellently on the festive table. You can serve a light wine, berry tinctures, bread is better than rye.