Premature baby - 7 months

In the modern world, babies born at 29 weeks are successfully growing and developing. Although, for the sake of justice, it should be noted that without special medical care it would be almost impossible. Very many young parents, a premature baby scares its small weight in 7 months, however, this is not the biggest problem. The greatest difficulty is that the crumbs are not fully formed by reflexes and internal organs, which makes care of it by qualified doctors especially valuable.

Birth of a baby at 29 weeks old

A premature baby in 7 months is born with a weight of one to one and a half kilograms. As a rule, these children do not fully develop respiratory organs and they require ventilation of the lungs or a constant supply of oxygen-enriched air.

These babies still do not know how to regulate body temperature and keep heat. To overcome these difficulties, the kids are placed in a special incubator chamber where the necessary temperature is maintained and moist air is created.

In addition, the birth of a premature baby at 7 months, as a rule, almost always involves feeding through an intravenous catheter. As soon as the baby begins to breathe on his own, it is transferred to the mother's milk through a tube.

Development of a premature baby in 7 months

Babies born without pathologies grow very fast and gain weight. Already by three months they have doubled their body weight, and by the year the weight increases by 5-6 times. The growth of the child also changes rapidly and by the end of the first year of life it grows by 30-35 cm.

If we talk about psychomotorics, the premature baby lags behind its peers. He has a low muscle tone: the legs are in a frog pose. Toddlers sleep much, very quickly get tired and frightened of even the slightest noise. However, by two months the situation begins to change and in the development you can notice significant changes: limbs become more mobile, children begin to observe others, a grasping reflex is formed.

Consequences of early birth

A karapuz, born before the due date, faces more difficulties than a baby born on time. A premature baby born in 7 months may have such consequences of an early appearance:

  1. Undeveloped lungs can provoke a stop in breathing.
  2. Early birth has a negative effect on the heart. In premature babies after the birth of the arterial duct, through which the flow of blood in the womb of the mother, can remain open, which entails an increased burden on the lungs and the heart. This condition requires medical treatment.
  3. Great risk of infection.
  4. Problems with metabolism and decreased hemoglobin.

To summarize, I want to say that the birth of a premature baby is not a reason for despair. Your warmth and care, as well as the qualified help of doctors, will help your child grow up healthy and strong for the joy of mom and dad.