Hypertension - how to treat?

Arterial hypertension (hypertension in common people) is called a chronic disease, for which high blood pressure (BP) is characteristic. It has a progressive nature and is one of the risk factors for the development of coronary heart disease. Such a condition as hypertension, treated with antihypertensive drugs, that is, allowing you to keep blood pressure in the norm, while reducing the stress on the vessels, heart and brain.

Degrees of hypertension

The disease develops in stages, and doctors classify the degrees of hypertension as follows:

  1. Light form - the numbers of the tonometer show no more than 140 - 159/90 - 99 mm Hg. In this case, the pressure rises in a jumplike manner. If hypertension 1 degree is not treated, it, as practice shows, begins to move to the next stage.
  2. Moderate form - at this stage of development of hypertension, the systolic pressure figures are fixed within the limits of 160 - 179 mm Hg. st., and diastolic - 100 - 109 mm Hg. Art. In this case the blood pressure in the patient is overestimated almost always, and to normal values ​​it is seldom dropped.
  3. Heavy form - pressure measurement shows the values ​​of 180/110 mm Hg. Art. and higher. To treat hypertension 3 degrees, as statistics show, start too late. The fact is that the body gradually adapts to high blood pressure, and the person seems to be healthy. In the meantime, the blow to themselves is taken by the so-called target organs (heart, brain, lungs) that "get tired". And then myocardial infarction, stroke, cerebral edema or lungs can happen. This occurs against a background of hypertensive crisis - a condition for which a strong (and often sharp) increase in blood pressure is characteristic.

We treat hypertension at home

It is very effective in the treatment of hypertension phytotherapy. It is useful to take decoctions of herbs that have a sedative effect:

Reduce the pressure also helps honey, green tea, cranberries, citrus, rose hips.

And now we will consider in more detail how to properly treat hypertension with these home remedies:

  1. Every morning before a meal it is useful to drink a glass of mineral water, in which a spoonful of natural honey and juice of one lobule of lemon are dissolved.
  2. Three table spoons of powdered sugar pour 2 cups of cranberry berries - this remedy fights well with mild hypertension.
  3. It is useful in the morning to drink tincture of hawthorn , dissolving 5 - 10 droplets of the drug in a cup of water.
  4. Beet and lemon juice (1 part) is combined with lime honey (2 parts). Take the product to reduce blood pressure should be an hour after each meal on a third of the glass.

How to treat hypertension with drugs?

There are many drugs for drug treatment of hypertension - all of them are designed to reduce blood pressure to normal. In a condensed form, the classification of antihypertensive drugs is as follows:

The list is far from complete. Experience has shown that treating hypertension without drugs is appropriate only in the early stages. If there is a severe form, drug therapy can not be dispensed with. It should be assigned exclusively by a doctor. It is also necessary to revise your lifestyle: start moving more, reduce the amount of cholesterol-containing food in the diet, give up harmful habits, beware of stress.