Hemolysing colibacillus

Normally this type of opportunistic microflora should be absent. Hemolysing colibacillus appears in the results of laboratory studies due to inadequate production of lactase and during intensive reproduction can cause rather unpleasant symptoms.

Hemolysing colibacin in adults

Most often, such violations occur in children. The reasons for increasing the amount of this microorganism in the intestine of an adult can be:

Hemolysing coli - symptoms

Symptoms of imbalance of microflora with the predominance of the microorganism under consideration are similar to those of staphylococcus. The patient suffers from bloating, frequent emission of gases. In addition, hemolyzing E. coli E-Coli provokes persistent abnormalities in the digestive system. They manifest themselves in the form of constipation , alternating with diarrhea. At the same time in the feces the impurities of a greenish hue, similar to pus, and a large amount of mucus are clearly visible. It is worth noting that the human body temperature does not increase, if the reproduction of the rod did not lead to an intestinal infection.

Hemolysing colibacillus - treatment

Therapy of this condition consists in the natural regulation of the intestinal microflora through the correction of the diet, and the intake of special biologically active additives with a high content useful microorganisms.

Diet in the treatment of hemolyzing intestinal bacillus suggests a sparing regimen. It is forbidden to eat fatty fish, meat, dishes with a high content of oil and cholesterol. Vegetables and fruits must be pre-thermally processed and consumed only in a baked, boiled, stewed or cooked pair. It is desirable to exclude dairy products, as they create a favorable environment for the reproduction of E. coli.

Prebiotics and probiotics are used as preparations for occupying the mucosa with a useful microflora. These funds not only promote the growth of their own non-pathogenic bacteria, but also contain living microorganisms to accelerate the restoration of the balance. If the hemolytic colibacillus provoked the development of an intestinal infection, a short course of antibiotics may be prescribed. But in this case, the treatment will take longer because of the toxic effects of antibacterial drugs.