How much does the temperature with the flu?

At the majority of people in 7-10 days after infection with the flu comes a full recovery. But in some cases complications develop, and in the epidemic 0.2% of patients die. That's why all infected people experience when the temperature with the flu lasts more than 5 days.

Why does not the temperature drop with the flu?

Ordinary seasonal flu lasts about 5-10 days. One of the first signs of this disease is an increase in temperature. It can be either very high or within 37.5 degrees. How many days the temperature will stay with the flu depends on which strain caused its appearance. So, most often in the seasonal viral disease, high indicators on the thermometer are observed for the first 2-5 days, and with avian influenza they can persist for up to 17 days!

Most patients do not know how much the temperature keeps with the flu, and believe that if it persists for a long time, it indicates the occurrence of complications. Of course, this is not excluded in cases when the illness lasts unusually long, and the person does not get better. But usually a temperature greater than 37 is observed in patients who during influenza:

Is it necessary to bring down the temperature with the flu?

Do you already have chills, cough, sore throat and other symptoms of the disease, and the indicators on the thermometer are still above 36.6 ° C? Why is there a fever after the flu, and should it be knocked down? It is believed that fever is a normal protective reaction of the body to the action of the virus, if it is moderate, that is, within 38.5 degrees. If the temperature of 37 ° C - 38.5 ° C is kept after the flu, and the patient tries to knock it down with medication, this leads to a wider spread of infection.

Moderate fever is important for the body, as it contributes to:

If the temperature of the flu is above 39 ° C, this is very dangerous, since the patient may experience delusions, convulsions, hallucinations, and possibly the occurrence of respiratory and circulatory disorders.

When the temperature drops during the flu?

How long will the temperature last for the flu, when the other symptoms have already passed? It depends on many factors, but you can accelerate the onset of recovery if you help the body fight the infection. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids. Usually, the temperature drops to 3-5 days if the patient drinks more than 2.5 liters of water, herbal infusions or tea with lemon or raspberries. A large amount of liquid contributes to the elimination of toxic substances and the dilution of blood.

Is your home hot? The temperature in the room exceeds 22 ° C, and you have not used the humidifier for a long time? This is bad. In the room where the patient, should be comfortable. Ventilate the room and take care that the temperature is 19-21 ° C.

Do you want the body temperature to sleep as quickly as possible? Be sure to observe bed rest and take antiviral drugs. Can be used to treat:

They have a harmful effect on the influenza virus, which leads to a rapid decrease in temperature.