How to lose weight by 30 kg?

If you think that you can lose weight by 30 kg quickly, for a week or two, this article is not for you, you will not be interested in it. It is better to borrow money for liposuction and stitching of the stomach, although it is unlikely that both will give such a colossal effect in a short time. If you want to know how to lose weight by 30 kg, prepare for the fact that you will need to say goodbye to the most bitten habits and start a completely different lifestyle.

Determining the cause

If you have reached the point that you need to lose 30 kg, then in your life there are certain factors that clearly contribute to weight gain.

Disclaimer - childbirth is not an excuse for weight gain. Your postpartum weight is temporary, it will come down if you are balanced eating, and perform basic physical exercises.

You yourself know very well what led to weight gain. Let's face it.

Reason number 1 - overeating and eating the wrong foods

If your menu consists of fried, fatty, smoked, flour, do not be surprised by a dozen or two extra pounds - this is the logical result of the fact that your diet is superior to products that are easily able to turn into subcutaneous fat. In addition, these products lead to an appetite - you want them more and more. Such food contains empty calories - you do not quench the body's need for vitamins, minerals, oils, acids, you just eat yourself to harm.

In this case, in order to lose weight by 30 kg you need a diet, not a hunger strike, but a full-fledged diet that will provide the whole body with useful substances so that he can finally restore order with metabolism .

Problem number 2 - physical inactivity

Even if you eat little, modestly and exclusively "grass", your body may not have the most attractive forms. Hypodinamy - lack of movement, leads to the fact that the muscles atrophy as unnecessary, grow fat, sag. No matter how much you weigh, but the glory of the thin with slack legs, hands and buttocks you will not get.

After you have adjusted your affairs with the menu, engage in some kind of sport (not chess!). You need any mobility that will help to awaken muscles and convince them that you still need them. Do not abuse jogging or heavy training on the simulators, with excess weight of 30 kg - it will be too much stress on the heart. You are much more useful in swimming, because water saves weight, removing it from the joints and strengthening the cardiovascular system.