Hypnosis for Sleep

It has long been proven that a good sleep plays an important role in the work of our body. During the night rest, damaged cells and tissues are restored, the information received for the day is processed, energy is accumulated for the subsequent period of wakefulness. However, today people are increasingly confronted with insomnia, restless and intermittent sleep, after which there is a feeling of fatigue and weakness. Solve such problems for many helps hypnosis before bed.

How to conduct light hypnosis for sleep?

Somnologists and psychologists have long studied the process of falling asleep and found that the first stage of falling asleep is thinking, when we consciously think about something. Then, unnoticed thoughts turn into fantasies, which you associate with rest. And in the third stage of drowsiness, we are in a state identical to mild hypnosis, and become as receptive to various suggestions as possible. This is because consciousness gradually becomes clouded, and the unconscious comes to the fore. Therefore, the thoughts, images and sounds that we think about, look and listen before falling asleep, have a great influence on the quality of sleep and on the psychological state in general. Nervous tension leads to the fact that a person is "stuck" at the stage of meditation, this prevents normal sleep and makes sleep intermittent. To cope with this problem will help sessions of self hypnosis.

Since in the drowsiness stage the body sinks into a light hypnotic trance, you just need to repeat any setting before going to sleep. For example, if you suffer from intermittent sleep, say to yourself the following phrase: "I will not worry during sleep. My dream will be calm and will bring me a full recovery. " It is believed that this method can be used to create any settings, your thoughts will become part of the unconscious and any actions, one way or another, will be directed towards the realization of the given goal.

Hypnosis for sleep lies not only in repetition of affirmations, for fast falling asleep and keeping a sound sleep it is also necessary to concentrate on the process of breathing. To do this, take a deep breath, counting to five, and then slowly and just as deeply exhale, counting to ten. Affirmations in this case must be pronounced in exhalations, formulating them in clear and short phrases. Such an exercise requires some skill.

Before going to bed it is very important to eliminate any irritating factors: to ventilate the room, to dim the light, to wear comfortable clothes. Tuning in the right way will help special light music for sleep, hypnosis while listening to it will be most effective. It is believed that such compositions help to relax and normalize breathing.

  1. Herb Ernst - Awakening Stars.
  2. Herb Ernst - Liquid Indigo
  3. Nahuel Schajris - Oneness Blessing.
  4. Kenny G - You're Beautiful.
  5. Karunesh - Remembering to Forget.
  6. Tiempo Libre - Air on a G Sting.

With the help of music you will conduct a thorough preparation - relaxation for sleep with hypnosis. To master the technique of independent hypnosis will be better gradually: first, just listen to soothing music before going to sleep, then learn how to breathe properly, and then start to pronounce or think through affirmations .

It is not always possible to get a satisfactory result at once, many can not fully relax before a session of self hypnosis, but if you continue trying, the body will get used to adjusting yourself, and in the future hypnosis will bear fruit - you will get a sound and healthy sleep.