Begonia Elathior

The Begoniev family has its favorite - Begonia Elathior. This fabulously beautiful flower can bloom quite a long period. The begonia Elathior itself has a fairly compact size, but it is very luxuriantly blooms incredibly beautiful inflorescences. Begonia Elathior is very popular, most often cultivars are Weise Pearl, Nidrigue Indianerin, Carmen Nana. Flowers of begonia Elathior can be red, yellow, pink or white. Do you want to know everything about Elathior's begonia, what should be the proper care and reproduction? Then this material will surely be very useful for you.

Preparation of cuttings

The best time to breed begonia is spring. During this period, the mother plant takes a stem 10 cm long. For these purposes only apical parts of the plant are suitable. After cutting the cuttings, it will be useful for you to learn how to properly anchor your future begonia Elathior. Many experienced specialists recommend soaking in the solution of the drug "Kornevin". After staying for the necessary time in the solution, the plants are planted in a prepared container with soil.

How to properly plant a begonia Elathior?

Most growers prefer, of course, to buying begonia, and not to grow it independently, but this process is not so difficult if you approach with knowledge. So, where to start?

Preparing the soil for the planting of begonia Elathior is especially important if you prefer leaf or cut propagation. It will require a mixture of equal parts of sand, lowland and peat moss.

Optimum for landing of room begonia Elatior is considered a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius.

At first light day for young plants should be at least 16 hours, so it is mandatory to use artificial lighting.

Six to eight weeks after planting, you can transfer the plant to a standard light day.

When planting begonia Elathior with the help of seeds, it is necessary to consider that only a single variety - F1 Charisma will be grown. After all, begonia Elatior - a hybrid plant, from which it is impossible to collect seeds.

Care for Begonia Elathior

Beginning to talk about the care of this kind of begonia is worth from watering. If the plant is planted in open ground, it is always necessary to keep the soil moist. If begonia is planted indoors in a pot, then watering should be tempered, because excessive humidity harms the plant.

Be sure to monitor the condition of the root system, because from excessive soil moisture, where the plant is planted, the roots can rot. If the air in the room has an increased level of humidity, then the appearance of rot on the leaves is not ruled out. Significant damage to the plant can cause harmful insects. To the worst enemies of begonia elatior can be attributed mites and thrips . These parasites feed on the juice of plants, this can kill entire inflorescences.

Most of the troubles associated with diseases can be easily avoided, observing the conditions of proper watering, and also maintaining the optimum humidity for the plant in the room. Concerning the invasion of pests, it also can not be feared. The choice of effective insecticides in the diluted state, ready to use to protect domestic plants, is also impressive. Usually, plant treatments are carried out from April to September. The following have proved to be the best:

Take care of your beautiful begonia correctly, and it's more than once you will enjoy the luxurious flowering outside the window or on the windowsill.