Kvass from oatmeal flakes without yeast

If you like beer, but are not friendly with alcohol, then a variant of a drink without a degree can be kvass based on oatmeal. Cool and barely carbonated, it easily quenches thirst and even hunger, without causing any discomfort in the stomach and intoxication. About all the details of how to prepare kvass from oatmeal flakes, we'll talk below.

Kvass from oat flakes without yeast - recipe

Classic oats kvass can be prepared with only two ingredients.



Dry oat flakes (do not express the preparation!) Pour into a three-liter jar so that it is filled to a third. Flakes pour cold, boiled water, add sugar and bandage the neck of the jar with two layers of gauze. After two days it will be already possible to try young oat kvass, but as it disappears, additional sugar portions should be poured into the jar, pour water and enjoy a ripening drink for another six weeks.

Kvass from oatmeal with bread



Preliminary with a coffee grinder or a blender, turn the oat flakes into flour. Dissolve the flour with warm water until creamy consistency. A third of the sugar is mixed with the resulting oatmeal, and the remaining sugar is caramelized to a deep brown shade in a dry frying pan. Dissolve the caramel in water and pour the water into the jar with the leaven on the very "shoulders." Dry the slice of rye bread and also put in the drink. Wrap the neck of the jar with kvass gauze and leave to ferment for a whole day. On this cooking kvass from oat flakes is over, it remains only to strain the drink through a sieve and you can try, pre-cooling.

Oat kvass from flakes with raisins

Since in all the presented recipes we do not use ready-made yeast, to start the fermentation process add raisins, the surface of which is covered in abundance with wild yeast.



Pour flakes with water and boil for half an hour. The resulting mixture cool to a temperature of 20 degrees, pass through a sieve with gauze, and then mix with honey and raisins. The received drink leave to reach within day, and then store in a cold no more than 2 days.