How to keep chili for winter?

There are a lot of ways to save chilli for the winter, we'll tell you about some of them later, and you'll be able to choose your version to your liking.

How to keep chili fresh for the winter?

Fresh fruits can lie up to six months, depending on the surrounding conditions and the selected method of harvesting. The only prerequisite is the presence of a warmed cellar or balcony with high humidity and temperature closer to zero degrees.

The easiest way is to store the peppers in wooden boxes, pouring the pods with a calcined river sand. After piercing and cooling the sand, it is poured onto the bottom of a paper-covered box, peppers are spread, sand is poured again, and so on until the very end.

An alternative to this method of storage is storage in paper bundles. Each pod is wrapped with a layer of kraft paper and stacked on top of each other in wooden boxes.

How to keep chili in the freezer?

If you do not want to fool with the storage of fresh pepper, then you can give preference to a much simpler and longer way of harvesting - freezing.

Before harvesting, the peppers are picked, leaving only fresh, washed and dried, and then placed in plastic bags with a lock, trying to remove maximum air. After removing all the air, the pods are sent to the freezer.

You can cut the peppers into rings, freeze on a tray, and then pour into all the same bags with a lock.

How to keep the bitter chili pepper?

Fresh peppers are well prepared by conservation, preparing from them spicy sauces and pastas, or simply by rolling pieces in jars, bay with olive oil (so you will also get a sharp oil in addition). But if you do not want to spend energy on conservation, you can dry the peppers and use as a seasoning for your favorite dishes.

In the sunny season or in a dry room, peppers can be dried simply by laying on a grate or paper. After 3-5 days, or when the peppers are completely dry, they are placed in sealed containers or paper bags for storage.

It is also convenient to dry whole peppers, leaving them in a dry and well ventilated room in a suspended state. After 3-7 days they can be packaged for long-term storage.

Quickly dry the pods can be in the oven or special dryers. Peeled and cut in half pods spread out with a cut up and left in a slightly opened, heated to 50 degrees oven.