Oatmeal with yogurt

Oatmeal is a real storehouse of useful vitamins or microelements. Today we will tell you what can be cooked from oatmeal and yogurt.

Smoothies with yogurt and oatmeal



In a bowl, pour out flakes, add honey, raspberries to taste, infuse kefir and beat with a blender until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained. We pour out the finished vitamin drink in glasses and serve it to the table.

Fritters with oatmeal on yogurt



In a bowl pour kefir, we throw salt, sugar and flakes. Thoroughly mix everything with a spoon and leave for 10 minutes. After that, pour in the flour, soda and break the egg. Again stir the mass and leave to stand for another 20 minutes. Frying pan with vegetable oil, spread a spoon dough and fry pancakes to a ruddy crust on both sides on a small fire.

Lazy oatmeal on yogurt



In a glass from the evening we pour a little kefir, pour cocoa and throw poppy seeds. Then add honey for sweets and mix thoroughly. After that, we top up all the remaining yogurt. We clean the banana, cut it into circles and spread it around a small jar. From the top we pour a small handful of oatmeal and fill it all with chocolate mass. Jars are covered with lids, lightly shaken to ensure that the whole oatmeal is soaked with kefir. After that we send the blanks to the refrigerator and leave it there until the morning. In a refrigerator, such a ready-made breakfast can be stored for about 3 days.

Oatmeal and yogurt cookies



Flakes pour kefir, mix and leave for a while to swell. Then add honey, vanillin and cinnamon for flavor, as well as any dried fruit to your discretion. Covered with a parchment parchment. From the dough we make small balls and put them on paper. We send the cookies to the preheated oven and let it dry for 15 minutes. After that, the treat is cooled and served to the table.