Lacunar angina - treatment in adults

Treatment of lacunar sore throat in adults begins with the establishment of a diagnosis. This disease is an inflammation of the tonsils located on the palatine part, accompanied by purulent formations and an increase in body temperature. It is mostly found in children. In adults, in 95 percent of cases, this is an exacerbation of the existing disease. At the age of the probability of getting sick significantly decreases. This type of sore throat is diagnosed throughout the year. The peak of incidence falls on the interval from the middle of autumn to the middle of winter.

Lacunar angina without fever in an adult

This disease, not accompanied by fever, is rare in medical practice. It is manifested by the following symptoms:

How and what to treat lacunar angina in adults?

  1. At the first stage it is necessary to isolate the patient - to place in a separate room. If you need hospitalization - a single room. He should have personal utensils for eating.
  2. The patient should adhere to the semi-post regimen.
  3. Exceptionally warm food, but not hot. Soft or not at all liquid. Food should contain vitamins and protein. The process of recovery will accelerate a plentiful drink: tea with lemon, dogrose and various fruit drinks.
  4. In lacunar angina adults are prescribed antibiotics . They are needed to avoid the development of complications. In the first row are necessarily preparations of the beta-lactam group. The main drug of any therapy is amoxicillin. Usually the course of treatment lasts no less than 10 days.