Golets - useful properties

Golets is a northern predatory fish from the family of salmonids, an object of fishing (there are also known fish species with the name of a char from the Balitori family, but this article is not about them).

Golets (salmon) live mainly in the northern waters of the Pacific and Arctic oceans, is kept in the river's priests. This fish is prone to seasonal migrations. Not only sea, but also transitional, river and even lake forms and varieties are known (some are listed in the Red Book). Appearance in individuals from different habitats can vary significantly. The length of the body in different forms and species can vary from 25 to 88 cm. The racial characteristics of seasonal populations are also different.

Golets, like almost all other salmon, have excellent taste and nutritional qualities (this fish can be considered a delicacy product). However, char is not only a delicious food product, but also very useful.

How useful is the char?

To the human organism from the use of properly cooked fish, char is an indisputable benefit.

The caloric content of the fish is about 135 calories per 100 g of product.

The flesh of the char is less fatty than other salmonids, but it is also very rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 (these substances seriously interfere with the development of atherosclerosis , prevent the formation of thrombi, help to remove toxins from the blood). Also in the flesh of char is contained substances necessary for the human body, namely: proteins, choline, vitamins (A, B, E, PP and K) and valuable trace elements (compounds of selenium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron , phosphorus, potassium, sodium , magnesium and calcium).

Regular inclusion in the diet of char, prepared in healthy ways, has a very beneficial effect on the work of the entire human body: eyesight, skin, joints and muscle tissue improve, the brain, cardiovascular, excretory, immune and nervous systems of the human body are optimized. The use of char helps improve cholesterol metabolism, promotes fetal development during pregnancy, improves lactation in nursing mothers, contributes to the overall activity of the body and increase male strength.

Golets are cooked in many different ways: they are salted, marinated, smoked, boiled, stewed, baked, fried in a pan and grilled. Also loach canned. Smoked and fried charlets to adults it is better to use no more than 2-3 pieces 1-2 times a month (the skin of smoked char is not bad at all). Golets salted or marinated in natural non-aggressive environments (vegetable oils of direct pressure, fruit and vegetable juices, natural vinegars, spices) can be consumed 2-3 times a week. Baked char, as well as stewed, and, moreover, cooked steamed or boiled, can be used almost without special restrictions.