Magnesium sulfate for weight loss

For a long time there has been an opinion that cleansing the intestine itself has a remarkable effect for weight loss. In fact, it's a myth - cleansing the intestines today, your diet in 1-2 days you will return everything to its own place, since excess weight is fat, and not the contents of the intestine. However, for women over 35, the cleansing of the intestine as the first stage of getting rid of excess kilos is fully justified. For this purpose, use soft means, such as magnesium sulfate.

Magnesium sulfate for weight loss

Magnesium sulfate indications are very different - it is used to clean a variety of organs. In fact, this is a simple saline laxative, which is indicated for poisoning and constipation. However, if your intestine works like a clock, and you go to the toilet every day or every 2 days, for you, the use of laxatives even at the initial stage of weight loss absolutely does not make sense.

It is often used magnesium sulfate for weight loss as a transitional stage to fasting. However, it is worth remembering that fasting is a very complicated process and it is forbidden to use it for weight loss without the supervision of a doctor. In addition, starvation slows down the metabolism, so a return to normal diet is fraught with the return of all the lost pounds.

After taking the drug and cleansing the intestine, you really get rid of a couple of kilograms - but you lose not in fat, but in the contents of the intestine. This can not be called losing weight and is strictly prohibited to apply systematically.

Magnesium sulfate: contraindications

By the way, it is often recommended to clean the liver of magnesium sulfate - it is choleretic. However, it is not at all with liver diseases that these agents can be used. Consult your doctor to find out if you have any contraindications.

How to drink magnesium sulfate?

Take a laxative should be only on the day when you do not need to go anywhere. You will need 2 liters of drinking still water and 25 grams. magnesium sulfate. There are two methods of taking the remedy:

  1. You dilute the dose of the drug in half a glass of water and drink before bed or on an empty stomach in the morning, 30 minutes before breakfast.
  2. An hour before breakfast, you drink activated charcoal - 1 tablet per kilogram of your weight. After breakfast, wait an hour, and take a dose of magnesium sulfate. During the day, it is forbidden to eat, but you should drink water with lemon unlimitedly.
  3. The effect of the drug will begin in a few hours - be prepared for the fact that you at any time may need a bathroom. The next day the bowel function should come back to normal.