Ficus of rubber - signs and superstitions

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the rubbery ficus. According to some of them, the plant helps to attract happiness to the house, while others, on the contrary, say that it is not worth keeping this flower in the apartment.

Signs about the rubber-figged ficus

According to the beliefs, this plant is a muzhegon, that is, it helps that men do not live in the house where it is located. It is believed that if you give this flower to the wedding, the marriage will not last long, as the guy will simply leave the family. If you proceed from the admission about the flower of the ficus, then it is not recommended to keep married couples, single women, because in the first case the family can collapse, in the second the girl simply will not have a chance to have a romantic relationship.

On the other hand, the ficus according to popular beliefs helps to attract money , it is advised to get those who would like to earn more or if it is required to immediately get a rather large amount of money. Ideal option is to put this plant on the desktop or in the office, it will promote career growth, help increase the salary or find large customers. You can also place the plant in the kitchen, then, as the signs say, there will always be food in the house, and the family will never have to starve.

Another sign of the ficus is related to pregnancy. Some women believe that it is just necessary to put this plant in the house, as it will have a beneficial effect on the process of bearing a child and will facilitate childbirth. So it is, or not, it is not known, the only thing that can be said for sure is that our grandmothers did say at all that it would be useful to be completely naked in the situation and bypass this plant three times. According to the beliefs, such a ritual will help to easily transfer the pregnancy, reduce the risk of miscarriage.