Summer Palace Star

Summer Palace The star is an amazing architectural monument, which simply fascinates tourists. The construction, made in the form of a star, attracts attention and has a certain mystical halo.

A bit of history

The palace was built in 1555 as the summer residence of Ferdinand of Tyrol. It was located in the area called Libotz. This territory was not built up at all, and there was a forest belonging to the monastery on it. It was bought by Ferdinand Tyrolsky specially to hunt here in the summer.

It was planned to build here something like an ideal bastion - a fortification. In the drawings, it looked like two intersecting triangles, which in the complex formed a star.

Since that time, the summer palace Zvezda almost did not undergo any changes. The roof was only replaced twice, basically everything was done with only minor reconstructions and restoration works.

What is remarkable about the palace?

The most unusual thing in a summer residence is, of course, its architecture. The exterior and interior amaze with their boldness and some pretentiousness.

Outside, the building seems more or less classical and simple, if you do not pay attention to its unusual shape of the star. Surprisingly, the angles surprise, but it is very difficult to perceive the shape of a building standing next to it. To enjoy this wonderful star, it is worth looking at it from above.

Inside the summer palace is decorated very richly. The main element of the decor is stucco. This stucco, made for artificial marble. It is considered the highest grade of plaster and widely used in decoration since the time of antiquity.

Around the residence stretches a rather large natural area. Here you can walk among the trees, breathe the fresh air and relax from the city.

The Zvezda Palace itself is a national cultural monument of the Czech Republic since 1962. At the moment, it is open to visit the historical exposition dedicated to the Battle of White Mountain.

How to get to the summer palace Zvezda?

The park, in which the building is located, can be reached by buses №№191, 164, 168.