Rules of etiquette at the table

We all love to eat deliciously. But to eat properly, observing all the rules of etiquette at the table, not everyone can. Unfortunately, today there are no subjects or courses in the school, where children would be introduced to the rules of behavior at the table. Thus, only parents are able to teach their child etiquette.

Etiquette at the table for children

Of course, load the memory of the child with all kinds of forks and spoons is not worth it, but the basic rules of etiquette at the table your baby must know. Etiquette at the table for children does not differ significantly from the rules for adults. The main question is how exactly to inform to the crumbs that even to eat follows the rules.

The best way in all cases has always been a personal example. Eat always with the whole family, and gradually the child will become accustomed to correctly hold a spoon and fork. You can teach in a game form: tell him a story about a fictional character who did not want to follow the elementary rules.

If you want to teach the child to use the devices, arrange the table according to the etiquette. Only on the constant practice of a crumb can learn the techniques of handling a spoon and fork. Be sure to explain to the child some points that are important for everyone:

For the child this information is enough to become well-bred and not give you a reason to blush.

Etiquette Behavior at the Table

Even if the restaurant is very chic and the atmosphere is pompous, try to stay at ease. It is unacceptable to fall apart on a chair, put elbows on the table.

If you are in parallel communicating with a neighbor on the table, you should not turn to it with the whole body. It is enough to turn your head. It is not appropriate to get acquainted or talk with a person through a neighbor. You can ask to transfer the plate to the waiter and only if he is not, it is permissible to ask about this neighbor.

The napkin is usually unwrapped and kneeled so as not to stain the dress or pants. After the end of the meal, the napkin is placed to the right of the plate in expanded form.

If you accidentally drop a knife or fork, just ask for another, pretending that nothing happened. Other members of the feast should not pay attention to this, thus showing respect and a sense of tact.

Etiquette of behavior at the table suggests tactfulness and to the cook: do not criticize the dish or demonstratively sniff the plate. Wipe your hands on the tablecloth and is considered to be the height of impropriety.

Meal according to the rules of etiquette prohibits drinking alcohol before uttering the first toast. Glasses and glasses are poured on two thirds. If the bottle is full, you should first pour the wine to yourself, and then the lady sitting on the right. At the same time, pour correctly with your left hand, turning slightly towards the neighbor. Never force a guest or neighbor to drink if he refuses.

Table setting according to the rules of etiquette

If you decide to have dinner according to all the rules of etiquette, first you need to learn how to properly serve the table. Napkins are placed to the left of the plate or to its bottom. If a tissue napkin, it can be folded with a fan or a cone, this will give a festive arrangement.

Select the tablecloth according to the size of the table. It is acceptable to use a tablecloth of any color, but it is white that emphasizes solemnity.

For serving, try using the same dishes. Place the plates opposite each chair. From the edge of the table to the plate should not be more than 2 cm. Try to maintain an equal distance between instruments and plates.