LED Ceiling Lights

For a long period of time, the so-called "Ilyich bulbs" were used for ceiling lamps. Significantly later, halogen lamps appeared - they were popularly called "housekeepers". They really saved electricity, the period of their use is up to two years, but at a price they are more expensive than their predecessors. Not so long ago, LED ceiling lights became popular, for a while they were considered a luxury and not all were available. These lamps differ in the location of the lamp, the way of installation, the adjustment of the direction of light.

What are the ceiling lights according to the location of the lamp?

  1. Internal or hidden . They are built into the ceiling and do not protrude to the surface, look aesthetically very attractive. To the minuses of these lamps it is possible to include a narrow directed stream, i.e. little light, so these lamps need to install a large number. In addition, the lamp heats the ceiling and this can adversely affect it, especially if it is made of plasterboard or stretch .
  2. Overhead or outdoor ceiling light fixtures . Light gives much more and, accordingly, illuminate a large area. If you need directional light, they will not work.

Types of LED lighting by installation method

  1. Fastening directly to the ceiling and held by special legs with springs. This method of fastening can be used on plasterboard, rack structures, PVC panels and on any console.
  2. Mounting to the platform. Ceiling luminaires built-in LED spotlights are used with stretch ceilings, for this purpose, the required hole is cut into the film, and under it a platform is fastened to the ceiling, to which these lamps are attached.

Distinguish lamps according to the possibility of controlling the flow of light

  1. Fixed lamps. They shine directly down, and are used to evenly illuminate the entire room.
  2. Ceiling fixtures with adjustable lamp position. Their use is convenient when it is necessary to highlight a certain zone. Several lamps simultaneously directed to one point make one area brightly lit, for example a cooking area or a reading area.

The main advantages of LED ceiling light in front of others:

Some functional features of LED ceiling light:

In addition, LED lamps have three spectrum of glow - cold, warm and ordinary.

With the help of an interesting arrangement of LED lights you can beautifully beat the room. The location options are huge - some areas you obscure or vice versa highlight whole zones. Create in the house comfort and coziness, even if these lamps will be the original design complement.