Products from which to grow fat

Most of us know, or at least intuitively believe, from what foods are getting fat. Finding out in food can successfully create a diet that will not threaten your figure. It is important to remember and exclude from the diet only three categories of dishes: fatty, floury and sweet. This is the source of excess calories and fat deposits.

Fatty foods from which grow fat

The category of fatty foods includes the most basic enemies of the figure, which, moreover, do not bring the body benefits, but only harm and clog the vessels.

So, in the list on an exception such fat products get:

It is worth noting that vegetable oils, although fatty, but are a source of important acids, omega-3 and omega-6, why it is not worth to encroach on their presence in the diet.

If you're wondering whether it's getting fat from dairy products, then everything depends on fat content - the smaller it is, the fewer the risks. And though milk contains saturated animal fats, it should not be excluded from food - it is enough to choose a variant with minimal fat content.

List of flour products from which to grow fat

White flour of the highest grade is a completely fiber-free carbohydrate, which does not benefit the body. Therefore, in an informed healthy diet, there is no place for all products made from it:

It is worth noting that on the shelves there were macaroni from solid wheat varieties - this is perhaps the only exception. By the way, bran, and it is better to have grain bread in the diet.

Sweet foods from which to grow fat

Disappointing news for sweet tooth: when losing weight, it is permissible to leave only fruits in the diet in the morning.

The list of high-calorie foods, from which grow fat, includes all the sweets:

In addition to fruit, you can afford only a homemade jelly without sugar or a little dried fruit.