Anita Lutsenko - diet from the trainer

Anita Lutsenko absolutely not a dietarian - the right diet is much better than a diet, because it is designed for life, and not for a short period of time to lose weight to a significant date. Therefore, the so-called diet from trainer Anita Lutsenko is nothing more than rules for a balanced diet.


Anita says that you do not have to strictly limit yourself, but you can afford something forbidden only if you do not grow thin and train a lot. In the process of losing weight Anita Lutsenko's diet presupposes the following forbidden products:

Conditionally resolved

According to the correct nutrition from Anita Lutsenko there are also a number of foods that you can eat while losing weight, but still do not get involved:

Healthy foods

And, of course, a healthy diet from Anita Lutsenko contains a lot of useful and delicious products, which should be your most faithful assistants in losing weight and gaining health and beauty. In principle, the following list is exactly what Anita herself eats.

In the process of losing weight, it is important not to lose sight of the small but decisive nuances. For example, fruit should be eaten only until 15.00, milk products choose low fat, salads fill with lemon juice, sea salt, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. In the dish you should use natural spices, and not salt - fennel, coriander, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg. And from the sweet one you can afford sorbet, oatmeal cookies, curd dessert, jelly and jelly.