Drainage drinks for weight loss

Very often to get rid of the body of extra pounds, you need not only reduce the amount of fat tissue, but also remove excess water. For this it is important not only to normalize the diet and caloric intake, but also pay attention to what people drink. Nutritionists warn against the use of sugary drinks, undiluted fruit juices, soda, fat kefir, strong black tea and coffee. To reduce weight, the best help will be special drainage drinks for weight loss . They can be prepared at home on their own and drink without fear for their health.

Drainage miracle drink №1

The most effective drinking means of getting rid of excess kilograms is ordinary water. Only need to drink it at least two liters daily and do it right. For example, water should be filtered, not from the tap. It should be room temperature or a little warmer, not ice cold.

You can prepare the simplest drainage drinks for losing weight: warm water + a teaspoon of lemon juice or warm water + a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with the addition of a drop of honey. Such a cocktail cleanses the intestines, kills bacteria, reduces appetite and promotes the splitting of fatty deposits.

You can also drink to lose weight and mineral water, but it is better without gas, because dissolved in water, carbon dioxide can irritate the stomach and cause an increase in acidity. You should open a bottle of water and let it "dry out."

Recipes of drainage beverages for weight loss

Those who decided to go to the cause of weight loss and simultaneous recovery of the body with all seriousness, can try to prepare even more effective drainage drinks at home. The simplest recipe: freshly brewed green tea with a slice of lemon, wild rose berries, various herbs to taste. It activates metabolic processes and stimulates more vigorous splitting of fat cells. It is also easy to prepare mint tea - a decoction of fresh or dried mint leaves, ginger tea - a decoction of finely chopped ginger root, etc.

Quite a peculiar taste has a drainage drink from a mixture of lemon juice, a powder of hot pepper and a dogrose syrup. It effectively accelerates the metabolism , but it needs to be drunk very carefully, especially for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal system and hypertensive patients.