Lighting in the garage

For each owner the garage is a special place where you can disappear for hours. After all, it is here that we store our precious transport, repair it, store old things, tools or engage in various technical works.

Therefore, the question of what kind of coverage is best done in the garage, sooner or later many are asked. To help you make the most successful choice, in this article we will look at all the existing options in more detail.

What you need to know about lighting in the garage?

The first requirement, which should focus their attention - is the uniform distribution of light throughout the area of ​​the room. Agree, to repair a car or look for the right thing in a poorly lit room is very difficult, and sometimes unsafe. For convenience, it is better to combine the main lighting in the garage with a local one. For example, install additional light bulbs in the inspection pit, near the rack with tools or a workbench.

In order not to waste electricity in vain, it is worth using a modular lighting system in the garage. With it, you can illuminate both individual sections of the room, disconnecting extra modules, and the entire workspace.

Since it is a matter of economy, it is highly advisable to use energy-saving lamps for lighting in the garage. They spend less electricity, while not inferior to conventional lamps in quality.

LED lighting in the garage

To date, this kind of lamps enjoy an enviable popularity. However, in the arrangement of the garage they are often used as local light sources. For example, you can install several low-voltage lamps in the inspection pit or use an LED strip to illuminate the entrance to the garage.

Advantages of diode lamps are bright white fluorescent light, durability and economical power consumption. LED lighting in the garage is absolutely safe. In such lamps there are no harmful substances, therefore at the end of their service life they do not pose a danger to the environment. The disadvantage of LED lamps is the high cost, although it actually justifies itself.

Lighting in the garage with fluorescent lamps

Such fixtures evenly spread light across the covered territory, are distinguished by their durability and economical energy consumption. But there is one important drawback - the dependence on external temperatures. So, let's say, at a temperature of less than 5deg; C, the lighting in the garage will be dim and barely noticeable. Therefore, if you want to use luminescent materials, it is worthwhile to plan a good heating system. They also contain mercury vapor, so burnt bulbs need special disposal.

Energy saving lamps for lighting in the garage

This is the most profitable and convenient option. Energy-saving light bulbs can work, regardless of any temperature changes, differ in durability, good light output and low power consumption. The disadvantage of the housekeepers is their high price. And because of the content of mercury vapor, they need special disposal.

Lighting in the garage with incandescent lamps

The low price, ease and ease of use are the main advantages of such a light source. Disadvantages, unfortunately, much more. Among all the existing options for lighting in the garage, the "Ilyich bulb" is the least suitable. Significant disadvantages are: a short service life, uneconomical energy consumption, uneven distribution of the light flux, the possibility of sparks from burning out.