Sesame seeds are good and bad, how to take?

Sesame grows in Africa, India, Asia and the Far East. There its application is very wide, while in other countries the sesame seed, as well as its harm and benefit, are not so well known.

Benefits of Sesame Seed

In cooking, sesame seeds are used mainly as a baking powder. In addition, from sesame make a delicious halva, which is more valuable than from peanuts or sunflower seeds. And all because the benefits of sesame seeds for health are higher than many suspect.

Since sesame is an oilseed crop, the oil content in seeds is 45-55 percent. One of the most useful components of sesame is sesame, which is the strongest antioxidant. This lipid in sesame is so much that its oil is often called sesame.

Sesamin is used to prevent atherosclerosis - it reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol, as well as to prevent cancer. And since cardiovascular and cancer diseases are real "scourges" of mankind, everyone should know about the benefits of sesame seeds for health.

Another valuable ingredient that is part of sesame is titanium, which normalizes the balance of minerals in the body and strengthens the immune system. Beneficial to the metabolism affects and another component of sesame - thiamine, it also contributes to the strengthening of the nervous system.

Sesame seeds are included in the composition of other useful substances - vitamins, proteins, amino acids, dietary fibers, micro- and macro elements. Thanks to them, sesame seeds are useful for strengthening bones, improving blood composition and regulating sugar levels. Regular intake of sesame seeds facilitates the course of gastric diseases, improves the work of the brain, heals insomnia and helps to deal with stress.

How to take sesame seeds for good and without harm?

To make sesame only good, it must be properly taken. It is best to eat seeds in raw form - 1-2 teaspoons a day, but not strictly on an empty stomach. Pre-seeds are best soaked in milk or water.

Damage to sesame seeds can bring to people suffering from thrombosis and stones in the kidneys and gall bladder. It is also possible intolerance of some components.

The Benefits of Sesame Seed for Women

For women, sesame seeds are useful because of the high content of phytoestrogens. If you regularly take sesame seeds after 40-45 years, this will delay the wilting and the onset of menopause. In addition, sesame seeds help to lose weight, and also improve the health of the skin, hair and nails.