Lilac from beads - a master class

Making flowers from beads has long become a fashionable hobby among needlewomen. Beautiful miniatures in vases will never fade and will delight the eye for a long time. In this article we will tell you how to make a lilac of beads.

Beaded lilac with own hands

For work we prepare the following materials:

Now consider the scheme of weaving a branch of lilac from beads.

  1. Cut off a piece of wire 50cm long. String five pink beads and at a distance of 10 cm from the edge make a loop.
  2. String another five beads and make the next three loops.
  3. It should look something like this.
  4. Then, threaded glass beads onto both ends of the wire.
  5. One flower is ready.
  6. Further, according to this scheme, a spade of 6-8 flowers of lilac from beads.
  7. This is what the procurement looks like at this stage.
  8. When one twig is ready, we strengthen it with a thicker wire.
  9. The next stage of the master class of weaving lilac from beads will be wrapping the legs with floral tape.
  10. One flowering is ready.
  11. Such twigs will need about 30 pieces.
  12. The scheme of assembling a lilac branch from beads is very simple. In staggered order, one by one, we fasten the flowering among ourselves.
  13. The weaving of a twig of lilac beads is over. Let's get down to the leaves.
  14. Leaves of beads for lilac will weave in circular French technique.
  15. We string the beads onto the wire. Since it is difficult to calculate the required number of wires and beads, it is easier to collect beads and work with a skein.
  16. So, we attach an auxiliary wire to the main wire with beads.
  17. Around the center we twist the wires in 15 revolutions. The upper tip is left about 5 cm in length.
  18. On it we string 5 beads and we braid the main wire.
  19. Each subsequent arc will be two beads longer than the previous one.
  20. We make one turn and immediately the next arc.
  21. The sheet has a sharp end from above and a round bottom. To achieve this form, it is necessary to twist the wire at a certain angle. The diagram shows how it should pass.
  22. Plait 6-7 arches for each sheet. Try to ensure that they fit snugly to each other. The amount of beads may be slightly different, because in nature there are absolutely identical leaves.
  23. A piece of wire that remains, cut off and bent inside. You can carefully insert the end of the wire into the neighboring beads and then cut off. This will disguise it as much as possible and nothing will be visible even from the inside of the sheet.
  24. Now consider how to make a lilac leaf from beads more rigid. For this, one or two wires are wound on a foot. From above, you can wind a layer of thread of a green mulina or a floral tape.
  25. Before making twigs with lilac leaves from beads, you need to make about 15-20 pieces.
  26. We lay them out on a piece of paper and form twigs.
  27. In a checkerboard order we twist them with floral tape.
  28. The last stage of the master class of lilac from beads will be the union of all parts. For reliability, we first tighten the threads tightly, and on top the tape.
  29. When the twig is ready, we select for it a small vase from ceramics.
  30. Inside, we pour a solution of alabaster to make the structure more stable. The fact is that the wire and a large number of beads in total give a rather heavy branch of lilac and it can easily overturn a vase.
  31. Lilac from beads for beginners ready!

Of the beads, you can weave other beautiful trees: birch, wisteria, mountain ash , sakura .