Raspashinki for newborns own hands

This is a master class for those who decided to sew their own nipples for newborn babies. There is nothing complicated in this, and if you approach the work with fantasy, you can turn the usual pajamas into beautiful and practical things. Pattern of a children's turtleneck with a basic odor.

Before sewing a newborn baby's skirt, increase the pattern to the required size, print out and cut out the details. Now you can start sewing raspashonok yourself. Transfer the three parts of the pattern to the fabric, circle with chalk and cut. Then sew them at the side seams.

Turn out the shirt on the front side and stitch the side seams again with a double stitch. Then treat all the seams by folding the fabric by 0.3-0.5 centimeters.

A loaf for crumbs is ready, but it can be decorated with decorative braid or ribbons, because the taste for everything beautiful has been planted since childhood. Measure out the necessary piece of braid and use pins to attach it along the edge of the gate and the front straps. After that, once again turn the shirt on the wrong side and attach the braid.

This sewing could be completed, but if you wish, you can sew velcro to it. This is convenient, because a small child during wakefulness is very active, and you will have to adjust your blouse often. Velcro, securely fixing the smell, will relieve this need. It remains only to iron the new iron.

This raspashonka looks elegant and beautiful. You can wear it for a walk. But if you want to sew a regular raspashku for the house, then the pattern remains the same, but you do not need to sew the braid and Velcro, because these decorative elements can create discomfort for the baby. And in this case it is better to make seams from the front side, so that they do not rub the delicate skin of the child.