Adenoiditis in children - symptoms and treatment

Under the influence of infection and other unfavorable factors in the organism of young children, lymphoid tissue often grows, which is called adenoids. This problem is typical for children, from the time of birth, and until puberty, that is, up to about 14-15 years, however, it is most often diagnosed in crumbs from 3 to 7 years.

The disease, in which the lymphoid tissue grows quite impressive and delivers a lot of discomfort to the sick child, is called adenoiditis. Like most other diseases, it can occur in acute or chronic form. If you ignore anxiety signs and lack proper treatment, this ailment can pose a serious danger to the health and livelihoods of the crumbs. That is why it is important for young parents to understand the symptoms that can recognize acute and chronic adenoiditis in children, and what treatment for this disease is used in different situations.

Signs of adenoiditis in babies

Since the extensive proliferation of adenoids in boys and girls always leads to difficulty in nasal breathing, the following symptoms are characteristic for this ailment:

For allergic adenoiditis in children the following symptoms are also characteristic:

Ignoring such signs for a long time can lead to various disturbances in the activity of the middle ear, the development of inflammation in the hearing organs and the child's organism as a whole, severe disruption of the function of the speech apparatus, and so on. That's why if you have any suspicions that your son or daughter has adenoids, contact your otolaryngologist as soon as possible to conduct the necessary detailed examination and appropriate treatment.

Modern scheme of treatment of adenoiditis in children

If several years ago to get rid of babies from pathological proliferation of lymphoid tissue, operations were performed everywhere, then modern doctors prefer to cope with other methods. Surgical intervention for the treatment of adenoiditis in children, including 2 and 3 degrees, is used only in extreme cases, namely:

In all other situations, treatment of adenoiditis in children with drugs and folk remedies is quite successful, which includes the following methods:

  1. In the acute form of the disease, vasoconstrictive drops are used to relieve the condition of the crumb - Vibrocil, Nazivin, Galazoline or other drugs. You can apply these tools for not more than a week.
  2. In some cases, antibacterial drugs, such as Bioparox, Protargol or Albucid, are instilled into the baby's spout.
  3. If necessary, antibiotics that are allowed for admission in childhood can also be used.
  4. If the cause of the disease lies in the effect of the allergen, antihistamines are used, for example, Fenistil or Zirtek.
  5. Often in complex treatment of adenoiditis in infants, physiotherapeutic methods are also used - UHF, electrophoresis, laser irradiation.
  6. Finally, at an early stage of the disease, folk methods of treatment can be used, namely: washing the nasopharynx with a decoction of the horsetail or ovary, as well as instilling in the nasal passage of the baby thuja oil, concentrated decoction of duckweed or the pericarp of walnut.

In all cases, in order to quickly cope with adenoiditis, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of the child in various ways. Every day, give crumb immunomodulators and multivitamins, and also provide him with proper, nutritious nutrition and a healthy sleep.