Cough with phlegm in the baby

Physicians divide the cough into two main types: dry and with phlegm. In this case, dry cough is considered more harmful and "unproductive", because it does not fulfill its basic function - releasing the respiratory tract from obstructions and blockages. In this article we will talk about coughing with phlegm in children, tell you what to dilute and how to withdraw phlegm from a child, how to massage a child to sputum, what is viscous, green sputum or sputum with blood in a child, how to cough up a child's phlegm and t .

The child can not cough up phlegm

Very often a cough with phlegm testifies to the soon recovery of the baby, because the body begins to independently remove mucus from the lungs and is cleared. But often sputum is too thick and viscous, and then the baby's body needs help.

It also happens that coughing is not at all a symptom of the disease. A healthy child can cough up to 15 times a day (sometimes with phlegm). The reason for this may be: too dry and hot air in the apartment, a large amount of dust in the air, irritating mucous odor or gas (smoke, odor of paint and varnish materials). All that needs to be done to eliminate this cough is the normalization of the atmosphere in the room - elimination of contamination, lowering the temperature to 18-20 ° C, increasing humidity.

The main rule for treating any symptoms of ill health in a child is a definitive "no" to self-medication. The first thing that parents should do is to consult a pediatrician. Only a physician is able to distinguish a cough due to a cold, SARS or ARD from a cough accompanying allergic rhinitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. Different diseases require different treatment, and untimely diagnosis and the lack of correct and adequate treatment during the most active development of the disease is fraught with major health problems in the future. So do not risk the health and life of your child in vain - contact the doctors on time.

Cough as a symptom of a disease

You should immediately consult a doctor if you notice that in addition to coughing, the child has symptoms such as:

Means, thinning phlegm, for children

The answer to the question of how to help a child cough up phlegm is simple: give him a warm drink and strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions. The most popular means for cough treatment in children are syrups based on herbs - licorice, sage, althea, calendula, mother-and-stepmothers, oregano. There is also a number of effective mucolytics approved for use in children: acetylcysteine, ambroxol hydrochloride, flumucil, etc.

In the case where sputum is poor in the child, it is possible to combine several drugs to enhance their effectiveness. A sick child at this time is very important to observe the correct regime - to drink plenty of warm liquid, often to rest, enough time to be out in the fresh air. The latter is especially important, because mucus and so complicates the work of the lungs and blocks the airways, and a constant stay in a room with dry and too hot air can aggravate the situation, provoking coughing attacks.

Very often, a positive effect in the treatment of cough with phlegm in children is provided by vitamin therapy. Therefore, the following compositions can be used for treatment:

Chest massage is also an effective way to fight a cough. It is done using badger fat or thick ointments with the addition of essential oils of tea tree, menthol, eucalyptus. The composition is warmed up in hands and gently rubed into the skin of the breast in circular motions (clockwise).