
Looseness is a character trait, which is defined as the lack of discipline, endurance in behavior, depravity and immorality. Often this term is used in the sense of "sexual promiscuity", but in fact its meaning is much broader and can include both gluttony, alcoholism, and the lack of moral foundations and a sense of shame for unseemly acts.

Sexual promiscuity

Looseness in the sexual sphere means inability to control one's sexual needs and willingness to engage in sexual intercourse regardless of the moral component of the issue. Male and female promiscuity can manifest itself in adultery, frequent changes of sexual partner, sexual relations with strangers (often in a state of intoxication).

If earlier sexual relations were considered shameful before marriage, now the couple live together freely before the wedding, and sexual relations can begin right from the first date. Although it used to be believed that on the first date it would be improper to even kiss a person.

Against the background of the general sad situation in this respect, childish immorality also grows: all from an earlier age children and adolescents have sex. Now a 14-16 year old girl who makes an abortion is no longer a rarity.

Scientists from New Zealand found that sexual promiscuity breeds other types of debauchery, increasing their inclination to them. For example, women who frequently change their sexual partners are more likely to drink and use drugs. Studies of men such clear patterns did not allow to reveal.

Alcoholism: a disease or debauchery?

Doctors believe that alcoholism is a disease, and it requires treatment. However, the population has a look at this phenomenon: many believe that it is not a matter of illness, but of moral debauchery. In fact, both are right, both, only each in its own way: alcoholism is of a dual nature.

People who believe that alcoholism is an exceptionally emotional licentiousness, simply did not see such consequences as white fever, seizures of epilepsy or death. The problem is that a person pushes himself into this almost voluntarily - after all, no one forces him to drink, and he does it on his own initiative. Therefore, the first glass - this is a manifestation of debauchery, after which any consequences can follow. Many begin to drink and can not stop until they get drunk completely, and the blame for that is precisely the first glass. I would not have started - there would be nothing to stop.

Alcoholism as a disease can be attributed to a hangover, alcoholic psychosis, seizures, drinking. In these cases it is difficult to cope without medical measures, and sometimes it is impossible. At the same time, it is not strange: a person chooses, be ill with him or not be ill.

There is a simple but precise saying: "You can not drink - do not drink!". What does it mean to be able to drink? It means to dwell on that the moment when intoxication is expressed very weakly, so that the next morning you can wake up without feeling a hangover. If a person does not know the measure and gets drunk, then he does not know how to drink. Unfortunately, this is a very common phenomenon.

Alcoholism is inherently voluntary suffering. This is one of those cases when the patient is responsible for the appearance of the disease, and for its outcome. If a person shifts responsibility to relatives, medicine, life - most likely, the ending will be sad. And only accepting a person's responsibility for drinking and making a decision to limit oneself will help to avoid trouble.