What is useful loquat - application in dietology and traditional medicine

The Mushmula of the Roses family is a deciduous and fruit tree, it is also called nispero or shisek. In many countries, for example, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey, this plant has been cultivated for 3000 years. The fruit of this fruit was popular in ancient times among the Romans and Greeks. They valued for their properties and benefits.

What is a medlar?

Ave, pear and hawthorn are considered to be the closest relatives of this plant. A loquat is a tree with fruits and it is of two main types:

  1. German loaf is a small tree, in length it can reach 3-4 meters. A loquat is a fruit - round fruit with a sweet and sour pulp, but very tart, they have a brown color. It is accepted to harvest as the first frosts will strike, and if they are not to wait, it will be necessary to store the fruit in a saline solution. The taste of many reminds of puree from apples.
  2. Medlar Japanese can grow up to 7 meters, the crown of this tree is wide and dense, and the flowers of snow-white color are very fragrant. Round fruits of light yellow or orange-yellow color can reach up to 5 cm in diameter. The pulp of the Japanese loquat is light colored with a sweet and sour taste, they gather fruit in late spring, early summer.

Medlar - composition

Valuable and fond of this fruit in Israel, Japan and Spain. In these countries, the Japanese variety has taken root. Than rich medlar there is no secret. In addition to dietary fiber, protein, malic acid and citric acid, fructose, this fruit contains a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

Why is medlar useful?

The fruits of this plant are used in the preparation of jam, marmalade, jelly, jam, can be used in drinks. Japanese medlar, more precisely, its fermented juice is itself a drink, though low-alcohol. From the fruit of the German medlar you can make vinegar, make a marinade. Bones of the Japanese variety are suitable for the manufacture of a surrogate coffee.

Because of its composition, the loquat is a very valuable fruit, what can the medlar for pregnant women bring? The fruit will strengthen the immune system and the body of the pregnant woman, the future child will supply with all the necessary substances. What is useful medlar besides eating and using for medicinal purposes? For example, the wood of this tree can be used in the manufacture of various women's ornaments, the cultivated decorative tree can be used indoors in the form of a houseplant.

Medlar for weight loss

For mono diets this fruit is not used, but the loquat can be included in the diet, in which you can sometimes eat berries and fruits. This is due to the fact that the fruit of the medlar calorie content is very small. The average size of the fruit is only 11 kilocalories. You can use the fruits of this tree for those who sit on days of unloading. What is useful loquat for slimming is that it very well dulls hunger.

Medlar in folk medicine

Do not underestimate this fruit when it is used in folk medicine. Medlar medicinal properties of its manifest from the root to the fruit. A fruit loquat, whose use for the gastrointestinal tract has long been proven, is used in folk medicine. Still it is a miracle of the nature use at colds, in preventive and cosmetic purposes.

The recipe for problems with the digestive tract



  1. Fruit is flooded with water.
  2. Cook on a small fire until they become soft.
  3. Take 1-2 tablespoons before meals.

Cough Recipe



  1. The fruit juice is mixed in equal proportion with sugar.
  2. One teaspoon is used until the cough disappears.

Therapeutic face mask from gruel medlar



  1. To stir thoroughly.
  2. Apply on the skin for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash off with warm water.