Fairy tale cake

There are a huge number of fairy tales and exactly the same number of cakes under the same name. A fairy tale on our recipes is a classic cake "Red Velvet" with cream cheese, overflowing with dried fruits a cupcake in the oriental manner and a gentle biscuit roll with air cream. Choose a fairy tale to your taste.

Cake "Winter Tale" - recipe

Atmosphere of this winter celebration is able to present this catchy and surprisingly delicious cake. A few simple decorative elements, and a real "Winter Tale" on your desk.


For biscuit:

For cream:


We bring the temperature of the oven to 180 ° C. Lubricate and cover with parchment a pair of 20-cm forms for baking. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs with vanillin, sour cream, vegetable oil, food coloring and milk.

Prepare a mixture of dry ingredients: cocoa, baking powder and flour. Add dry ingredients to the liquids and whisk the dough until smooth. Gradually add the slices of soft butter to the dough, mix everything and mix it for another minute. Divide the dough between two prepared forms and send it to the oven for 35-40 minutes.

For the cream, we connect the soft butter with the powdered sugar and add cream cheese.

Biscuits cool, cover with cream and connect. Remains of cream cover the dessert from the outside. As decorations, you can make Christmas trees and snowflakes from white chocolate and place them on the top of the cake.

Sparkling cake - recipe


For biscuit:

For cream:

For glaze:


Before you make a cake "Fairy Tale", oil and cover with a parchment baking sheet 40 by 28 cm.

Eggs beat for 3 minutes, add sugar, do not stop whipping, wait for the mixture to become airy and cream. Add the melted chocolate, water and vanillin to the eggs. Separately mix the flour with the baking powder and salt, and then combine the dry ingredients with the liquid ones. Spread the dough on a baking sheet and bake for 10-13 minutes. Roll the biscuit into a roll with a damp kitchen towel and leave to cool completely.

Fry the almonds with sugar, cool and grind in a blender. Add the nut crumb to the whipped cream. Distribute the cream over the cooled biscuit and roll again. On this the preparation of the cake "Fairy Tale" is over, it remains only to cover the roll outside with a mixture of beaten with melted chocolate butter, sugar and milk.

Cake "Eastern Fairy Tale" at home



Preheat the oven to 160 ° C. Cover with butter and flour a shape of 30 cm in diameter.

We beat soft butter with vegetable, add sugar, baking powder and salt. Gradually introduce eggs, followed by flour, then orange juice and at the very end a mix of nuts and dried fruits. We spread the dough into a mold and put it on for 1 1/4 hours to bake.

The finished cake should be cooled, and then it can be poured with glaze or simply soaked with a mixture of honey and water.