Symptoms of fetal hypoxia in pregnancy

All useful substances, and oxygen, including, the future child receives from the mother's body through the placenta. Insufficient oxygen can cause oxygen starvation of the fetus - hypoxia. Chronic hypoxia develops during pregnancy and during labor can develop into an acute form. Severe hypoxia is also observed during placental abruption and has irreversible consequences.

Signs of fetal hypoxia

Signs of fetal intrauterine hypoxia in early pregnancy are not available, and its diagnosis is almost impossible. It is possible to suggest its development in the case when the mother diagnoses iron deficiency anemia.

Symptoms of intrauterine fetal hypoxia during pregnancy appear after the eighteenth or twentieth week. Starting from this time, the baby in the uterus begins to actively move, and if his activity increases or decreases, the mother should pay attention to it. Before you determine the fetal hypoxia yourself, you need to know that the fetus moves more actively with a mild form of pathology, and the heavy form slows its movement, makes it slow and sparse. In this case, you need to seek medical advice.

How to detect fetal hypoxia?

Before determining the fetal hypoxia, the doctor conducts the following examinations:

  1. Ultrasound examination . When hypoxia is observed delayed development of the fetus, its weight and size do not match the period of pregnancy.
  2. Doppler . The placenta and uterine arteries worsen blood flow, slowing down the heartbeat (bradycardia).
  3. Cardiotocography . Symptoms of fetal hypoxia in CTG can be revealed after the thirtieth week. Wherein the general condition of the fetus is estimated at eight or less points. The index of the fetus is more than one. Basal heart rate decreases and at rest is less than 110, and in the active state is less than 130. This type of diagnosis often gives a false-positive result. If the study revealed abnormalities, the study should be repeated the next day and only then can the result be confirmed.

Even if you know how fetal hypoxia is manifested and how to recognize the disease, only a qualified specialist can diagnose it. You should listen to your body and react to all the alarming calls, asking for advice from a doctor.