Magic Numbers - numerology

Numerology is the science of numbers. But science is not simple, but ancient and esoteric. Very often numerology is called the magic of numbers, although this science is closer to astrology and predictions, rather than to magical rituals. Let us consider the main aspects and subtleties of esoteric numerical sciences.

Essence of numerology

It is certainly unknown when and by whom this esoteric magic of numbers was invented and formed. Numbers were used for predictions in Babylon, Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, but this was not at all the science that we know today.

According to numerology , each number has its own vibration and gives a signal to the universe. All numbers in numerology simplify to simple ones - from 1 to 9. Each number has its own meaning and can be interpreted to decipher the date of birth, destiny, destiny of a person. The magic of numbers is used to choose the place of residence (it is believed that the house numbers are also very important energy), for the date of important meetings and transactions, as well as for the election of partners in business and love. The latter is feasible due to the fact that each letter can be translated into numerical value, and therefore, and decipher the name of the partner.

The magic of money

Of course, the magic of numbers could not ignore the money. In the world there are many wealthy people who believe in the strength of numbers. So, it is possible to decipher energy of monetary denominations, to pick up successful days for the conclusion of important monetary transactions, and also a little "conjure" for attraction of money.

Pythagoras - the founder of modern numerology, has made a magic square, which is able to attract money. It consists of 9 digits written in three rows and three lines.

The first three digits are your day, month and year of birth.

The second three are the numbers of the name, patronymic and surname.

The seventh digit is the number of the zodiac sign (its number).

The eighth is the number of the Chinese zodiac sign.

The ninth is the number of desire, in this case, the word money.

All numbers and letters should be transformed numerologically, that is, simplifying to prime numbers.

This is the monetary magic of numbers, which should be written to your lucky note, which you will wear in your wallet and not spend it under any circumstances.


Kabbalah is the Hebrew doctrine of the universe, the universe and the connection of man to God. As for numbers, Kabbalah gives them a special divine meaning and power. Thus, the magic of numbers in Kabbalah serves to decipher historical dates, predetermine the fate of a person, decipher names and whole texts.

According to Kabbalah, the essence of a number is dual. It, on the one hand, is a measure of measurement, and on the other hand, it speaks about the spiritual side of things.