The number of Gua - how to calculate the number of Gua for women?

The popular philosophy of China Feng Shui offers several ways to change your life. For example, you can calculate the number of Gua, through which you can adjust life and understand which direction to develop, and where changes are needed.

What is the Gua number?

The personal number associated with the sides of the world is usually called the Gua number. To calculate it, only the date of birth is used. The obtained value helps to understand how to put objects in the house and at work, to change the situation in different aspects of life. The personal number of Gua gives additional information for self-improvement, attract the material flow, find a soul mate, advance in a career and so on.

How to calculate the number of Gua for women?

For the calculation you need to take into account your birth year. It is important - if a woman was born in January or February 1-5, then you should use the previous year, and in other cases you need to take your actual date. To calculate the number of Gua for women, be guided by this scheme:

  1. At the first stage, find the sum of the last two digits of your own year of birth. If the result is a two-digit number, then they also need to be folded. For example, 1989 = 8 + 9 = 17, 1 + 7 = 8.
  2. For those who are interested in how to calculate the Gua number, at this stage we need to add 5 to the result. For the example in question: 8 + 5 = 13, 1 + 3 = 4. It is important to consider that those who have a birthday after 2000, should not take 5, but 6.

Number of Gua 1

The unit refers to the eastern direction, the elements of Water, and its color is white. The number of Gua 1 for women means that its owner is restrained, cautious and independent. It is easy for her to interact with other people and find herself in different situations. They consider the units to be good listeners, but singles. The number of Gua 1 is best compatible with 6. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - north. The symbol for activation should reflect the purpose of the person.
  2. For wealth - the southeast. To activate, you must use two important elements: wood or water.
  3. For love - the south. Units - singles should place in the south a figure of a phoenix bird, and women should choose a male. People who are already in a pair better to use ducks-tangerines.
  4. For health - east. It is important that this sector is bright and positive. To improve the health of the unit should place the bed head to the east.

Number of Gua 2

Twos belong to the western group, the elements of Earth, and the main color can be yellow or red. The number of Gua 2 for women means that its owner is reliable and capable of sacrificing for the sake of others. She can be assigned any case, knowing that she will cope with it 100%. Twos do not like changes in life. The ideal union of a woman with such a number of Gua can build from 7. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - the south-west. The main purpose of deuces is to create happy relationships. To activate, use the Fire symbols, indicating the area in which you want to achieve success. Put the bed so that the head is in this direction.
  2. For wealth - the north-east. Twos will use their intellectual abilities to achieve material stability. It is recommended to place a ceramic round vase here.
  3. For love - north-west. This is the right side for the bedroom. In this room you can put icons or amorous talismans.
  4. For health - west. Dvukam for treatment is recommended to use non-traditional methods. This is a wonderful area for dining.

Number of Gua 3

The three belong to the eastern group, the elements Tree, but the color suitable for them is blue and green. The number 3 for women indicates sensuality, straightforwardness and quick temper. They are incredulous and responsible, so they try to do everything themselves. Such women always strive for self-improvement. The seasons are perfect for the sevens. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - the east. For the women of the triples, the family is of great importance, from which they draw inspiration. It is recommended here to use symbols of well-being that refer to the elements of Water, for example, an aquarium or a fountain.
  2. For wealth - the south. If the calculation of the Gua number is shown in the top three, then the woman should clearly determine in which sphere she wants to achieve success. It is allowed to put a couple of money mascots: a money tree , a toad on coins and others.
  3. For love - the southeast. To activate the direction, use the attributes of the elements of the Tree or Water, and Fire must be avoided.
  4. For health - north. Here is a suitable place for a dining room and an entrance door. To avoid any health problems, you need to sleep your head to the north.

Number of Gua 4

The four belong to the eastern group, the elements Tree, and the appropriate color is green and blue. The number of Gua 4 for women means the presence in nature of such traits: openness, independence and changeability. Four people are fond of fighting injustice, and they are also caring and patient. For women with this number, Gua is ideal 9. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - the southeast. A four woman can make money . Suitable talismans for this area: a fountain and a "double luck node".
  2. For wealth, the north. A suitable direction for the workplace and the entrance door.
  3. For love - east. It is allowed to use any traditional amorous talismans.
  4. For health - the south. Suitable area for dining and sleeping. You can use different talismans, but only with the element of Fire you need to be more careful.

Number of Gua 5

Five fits Western group, element Earth, and the best color - red and yellow. The number of Gua 5 for women indicates a love of adventure, self-sufficiency and perseverance. For such people, there are no barriers to achieving the goal, and they are always looking for an option for self-development. For women, fives are ideal for men with the same number of Gua. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - the north-east. It is recommended to organize here a workplace, a workshop or a bedroom.
  2. For wealth - the south-west. The number of Gua 5 does not recommend the use of a lot of love symbolism and it is better to simply design this zone in the appropriate color scheme.
  3. For love - the West. Socialists recommend placing a wish card here and organizing a bedroom.
  4. For health - north-west. For good health it will be useful to place an entrance door or a dining room in this area. It is recommended to sleep head to the north-west.

Number of Gua 6

Sixes belong to the western group and the elements of Metal, but the appropriate color is white and yellow. The number of Gua 6 for women indicates such traits as self-sufficiency, rationalism and organization. Sixes are demanding of themselves and others. For them, people with Gua number 1 are ideal. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - northwest. It is important to put in this zone a talisman symbolizing success in the chosen sphere.
  2. For wealth, the West. To activate this direction, you can use crystals, horseshoe and objects that designate a suitable creative sphere.
  3. For love - south-west. The head of the bed should stand in the indicated direction. Choose any talismans of the elements of the Earth.
  4. For health - the northeast. To activate this zone, use the figures of owls, snakes and lotus. When decorating an interior, be guided by suitable colors and their shades.

Number of Gua 7

Seven belong to the Western group and the elements of Metal, but the appropriate color is white and yellow. The number of Gua 7 for women points to calculating, communicative and diligent. These ladies are friendly and not afraid of problems. For them two men are perfect. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - the West. Design this area in a suitable range, using different shades. Use horseshoes and crystals.
  2. For wealth, northwest. It is recommended to put here the icon of the patron saint or the image of the guardian angel.
  3. For love - the north-east. Experts advise to put in this side of the bed, and also organize a lot of light and space.
  4. For health - south-west. To maintain health, in this direction it is necessary to organize a dining room, and for chronic diseases - a private room.

Number of Gua 8

For eights, the intended western group, the Earth element, and the appropriate color is yellow and red. The number of Gua 8 for women indicates persistence and self-sufficiency of the person. Such ladies are conservative, secretive and their beliefs hardly change. For them, the ideal pair will be a person with a Gua number of 2. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - the north-east. Arrange this area in a suitable color scheme. It is recommended to use here talismans, which symbolize the chosen goal. The figurines of a snake and an elephant are universal.
  2. For wealth - the south-west. It is not recommended to oversaturate this zone with cash talismans. Experts Feng Shui against placing in this zone of the workplace.
  3. For love - the West. To activate this zone, it is not recommended to use talismans associated with fire. Ideally, if the front door is located in the west and the head of the bed should be put in this direction. An excellent talisman in the west will be the icon of the patron saint.
  4. For health - north-west. It is important to rearrange the bed so that there is a head of the bed in this direction. It is recommended to put here an icon and periodically use incense.

Number of Gua 9

For nines is the eastern group, the elements of Fire, and that the appropriate color is red and green. The number of Gua 9 for women indicates impulsiveness and vanity. They are sociable and well versed in people. Nines are easily carried away by the new business, but they can quickly cool to it. Good compatibility of the Gua number 9 with 1. Positive directions:

  1. For personal growth - the south. Coincidence with the glory sector means that the nines will easily reach recognition. It is recommended to place here the front door and talismans of the elements of Fire and Tree.
  2. For wealth, the east. In this zone there should be talismans, symbolizing financial well-being.
  3. For love - north. It is forbidden to put love attributes related to fire, for example, candles. You can put the bed head to the north.
  4. For health - the southeast. To enhance health in this direction, it is recommended to equip the dining room and use the bamboo style.