Raw Food and Fructarianism

Eating fruits, eating vegetables, eating the sun ... Have we become so smart that we thought up these ingenious ways of saving raw materials and cleaning the body, the benefits of which had never occurred to our ancestors? Before discussing this scrupulous topic, let's look at the concepts of raw food and fruitarianism.

Raw Food

Raw food is a special food style, the so-called highest degree of vegetarianism. Do not dwell on the fact that raw food do not eat meat - this is also a no brainer. Raw food means eating fruits, vegetables, beans, cereals, nuts, greens, seeds, and all this - in a raw, thermally unprocessed form.


Fructorians, of course, consider themselves steeper than raw food, because in their lives there are more noble prohibitions. As the Fructorians themselves say, the raw food specialists carry out either the transition to Fruitorianism - which is highly valued, as, so-called, spiritual growth, or return to the usual diet of mere mortals. Fructorians also explain to you why: from the presence of nuts and cereals in the menu of raw food, many of them feel depressed, lazy, in a word, these products relieve the feeling of lightness that is plentiful in fruitarians who eat exclusively fruits, berries and fruit vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers).


If you decide to switch to fruitarianism for weight loss, ask advice from any nutritionist, you will be begged to think again. The harm of fruitarianism is obvious, because such a step on your part is an indescribable stress for the organism, leading to a complete disruption of all sorts of functions, anorexia , the disappearance of the monthly (and this is no reason to rejoice), and even genetic changes in your offspring.

Moreover, after several years of raw food and fruitarianism, the cells whose function to digest vitamin B12 simply die (since B12 comes only with meat, they have nothing to do with your body), and the raw food-eaters who have come to their senses, however much they like, simply can not return to a full life and nutrition.