Number 11 in numerology is the value

In numerology, the number 11 has a special, magical meaning. It is believed that it is controlled by the fictitious planet Proserpine. The universe often sends a person various signs in the form of numbers that allow you to change life and find a solution to many problems.

What does the number 11 mean?

People who often use the number 11 in their lives have a huge talent , fearlessness and ingenuity. It is very difficult for them to be behind, as the doubled unit makes them the true leaders. People born on the 11th are ambitious and energetic. For them, independence is of great importance in life. They often change their behavior and attitude towards other people. A person who lives by the vibration of number 11, can achieve success in diplomacy, psychology and psychics.

Positive characteristics of the number 11 in numerology:

People who live in harmony with the number 11 have a chance to change their lives for the better and achieve everything they want. All this is due to unshakable faith. The number 11 gives the person softness and complaisance, but if necessary, strong will appears.

In the personal life, people who are patronized by the number 11, show vulnerability and sincerity, and yet this is a real romance. Unhappy love can permanently knock them out of their rut, leaving a scar on their hearts for life.

Negative features of the number 11 in a person's life:

If a person feels negative vibrations of the number 11, then he can roll off the right road in life. Having lost a landmark, people can face many problems. The troubles in life arise from the constant struggle of ambition with uncertainty.