Numerology - important years of life

You probably noticed that in your life there are years that are not remembered, passed by, and there are periods full of events, remembering which it is even hard to believe that all this could fit within one calendar year. Such intense years are important peaks in your destiny, numerology allows you to calculate the important years of life in advance, or to know them in hindsight. If you are experiencing this particular year, you need to be especially attentive to health, the location of the spirit and, delving into the subtleties of what is happening to see what the lesson of fate is.

We calculate important years

The first important date in life and numerology is your date of birth. Therefore, the first way to calculate the significant years of life is to use the number of life path.


Add all dates of birth:

1987.12.05 - 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 5 = 33, we simplify 3 + 3 = 6

6 - number of life path.

The karmic years of life should be summarized and simplified. 6

This is 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 78, 96 years old. This is the age in which in your life there will be significant (tragic or happy) events.

But on this numerology of numbers in life does not stop. There are also a number of ways to calculate the time when you need to be especially alert.

So, for example, the first karmic year, as we have already said, is the year of birth. In our example, 1987.

We proceed as follows:

Life Cycles

Our life is cyclical, like everything that happens in nature. The Moon, for example, also has its own cycle, and it repeats every 28 years. Interestingly, in numerology, human life cycles coincide with the lunar cycles, as well as female menstruation coincide with the monthly cycle of the moon.

So, approximately, each our cycle is equal to 28 years. And we have only three cycles:

Also each cycle has its own "theme". The theme of the cycle is determined by its number. The number of the first cycle is the month of birth (example: the number of birth 28, then the topic of the cycle is 2 + 8 = 10, simplified - 1). The theme of the second cycle is the month of birth, the third is the year of birth. Interpretation of numerals in numerology is the same for all types of calculations, it is just necessary to adjust it and examine it through the prism of the life cycle.