Magic numbers

Virtually there is not a single person in the world who would never have heard of superstitions associated with numbers, although these are now simply echoes of ancient ideas. Magic numbers helped people back in ancient times. Today, every person can determine for themselves a number that will bring him good luck and give strength.

The magic power of numbers

In the language of numbers, the expression "magic" is translated as "impact on a person" and each of them separately has a definite meaning:

Still Pythagoras tried to understand this question, but he still did not find out which numbers are considered magical. After that, different studies were carried out, and all values ​​were determined.

Magic numbers to attract money

Knowledge of numerology will not be superfluous in dealing with money, because with their help you can strengthen monetary vibrations. The most profitable are the following numbers:

Thanks to the magical values ​​of numbers, you can solve your financial problems. Try to ensure that all transactions include these numbers, for example, that the sum of the contract starts or ends with them. The rest not only do not attract money flows into your life, but also push you to waste.

Magic numbers in nature are of great importance and it is difficult to underestimate.