Cosmetic harvester

The range of services provided by modern beauty salons is constantly expanding, and this requires attracting ever more new special equipment. It is not always realistic to equip a small room with all the devices, besides, for each person to hire an individual and train them to work with the device. In connection with this, multifunctional equipment, to which the cosmetology combine belongs, is gaining increasing popularity.

Functions of a cosmetology combine

This unit combines many functions, having both a minimum and a maximum set of operations, which makes it possible to select the right arsenal taking into account the specificity of the clinic. Small portable devices with a minimum set of functions can be placed directly on the table, and models with more functionality are located on the rack, but also quite compact.

The basic, most frequently used operations include:

Due to the combination of several devices in one equipment, it is possible to organize your workplace more rationally, to improve the quality of services provided, their efficiency and productivity. Many combines have additional devices that allow to save the area of ​​the room, maintain order in the work area and increase the speed of the manipulations.

The 3 in 1 cosmetic combine performs face cleaning, that is, peeling, injects nutrients deep into the skin and acts on them with microcurrents, improving regeneration. Cosmetological combine 5 in 1 has already more advanced functions of peeling procedures and can eliminate small scars and scars after acne.

Review of trademarks:

  1. The cosmetology combine Gezatone has in its arsenal such functions as peeling and phonophoresis, darsonval , lymphatic drainage, can act with microcurrents, carrying out a deep lifting. This is a good investment for both a conventional beauty salon and a wide-profile cosmetology hospital.
  2. Cosmetic equipment from Nova can provide services for diamond peeling and microdermabrasion, ultrasonic peeling, phonophoresis, chromotherapy, etc. Functionality of this device includes electroporation, which is a rather young method of care in cosmetology.