Manic-depressive syndrome

"God forbid me to go insane. No, the staff and the bag are lighter, "Pushkin wrote, as most contemporaries believe, hoping that they will never get to face mental illnesses. And yet there are a huge number of people who suffer from these or other mental disorders, and they are not always clearly pronounced. We can communicate with such people and completely not suspect that they have problems. Many diseases allow you to lead a full life with timely treatment and support of relatives. Such disorders include depressive-manic syndrome, let's talk more about its signs and methods of treatment.

Manic syndrome - the causes of

Depressive-manic syndrome is a genetically determined disease, but it must be remembered that by inheritance only a predisposition to it is transmitted. That is, a person who has parents with this disease, in a lifetime may not show a single sign of manic syndrome.

People more than 30 years of age are more predisposed to the disease. Previously, it was thought that women were more likely to suffer from the syndrome, but recent studies confirmed more frequent cases of men. Risk factors may be a melancholic type of temperament, postpartum depression in women, emotional instability, and excessive stinginess in feelings.

Manic-depressive syndrome: signs of disease

The syndrome never begins suddenly, it is preceded by a preparatory stage. It is characterized by an unstable emotional background of a person - either overly depressed or overly excited state. After that, pronounced phases of the disease precursor can manifest themselves - depression is replaced by excitation, and the periods of the oppressed state last usually much longer than the periods of excitation. In the event that the environment does not notice changes in the behavior of a person, the harbingers will smoothly pass into the disease itself. Let's analyze the main symptoms of manic-depressive syndrome.

  1. The depressed phase is characterized by physical and speech inhibition, a bad mood accompanied by rapid fatigue and a decrease in appetite, a state of unreasonable anxiety, an inability to concentrate on any object or occupation. Thoughts of a person usually acquire a negative color, an unreasonable sense of guilt may appear.
  2. The manic phase of the disease is accompanied by a pathological increase in mood, excessive motor and speech excitement, a significant activation of intellectual processes and a temporary increase in efficiency.

There are different cases of manic-depressive syndrome, the above-described classic variant is more common, but there are also other forms of the disorder. For example, it is much more difficult to diagnose an erased form of the disease. In this case, all the symptoms are so blurred, invisible, that friends and relatives do not see strangeness in the behavior of a person, and only an experienced specialist can notice a bad thing.

Treatment of manic-depressive syndrome

In the event that the disease is detected in a timely manner, then the person has good chances to return to normal life, but the more the case is started, the more irreversible changes occur with the human psyche.

Treatment of manic syndrome is done with the help of pharmacological drugs. Their selection is strictly individual, the doctor prescribes medications depending on the patient's condition. When inhibited, stimulant preparations are prescribed, and with prevailing excitability, calming medications are prescribed.

And finally, manic-depressive syndrome is very serious, and it is better to be safe and consult a doctor with normal depression than to miss the onset of the disease.