Mastodinone with mastopathy

When mastopathy occurs benign proliferation of breast tissue under the influence of excess estrogens and a lack of progesterone . But not always in the initial stages of a woman immediately prescribed hormone therapy, often resort to phytopreparations or homeopathic remedies, which include Mastodinon.

Treatment of mastopathy Mastodinone

Many women are worried about the question: does Mastodinone help with mastopathy, since in homeopathic preparations, medicines are in very large dilutions and can not independently influence the body. But they stimulate the body in a certain direction - it starts to heal itself.

Indications and contraindications to the appointment of Mastodinon

Mastodinone is prescribed not only for mastopathy (mainly fibro-cystic), but also for other hormonal disorders in women (menstrual cycle disorders, infertility , premenstrual syndrome with pain and engorgement of the mammary glands).

Contraindications to the appointment of Mastodinone:

When taking the drug is very rarely possible side effects:

How to take Mastodinone with mastopathy?

Homeopathic medicine for mastopathy Mastodinone is released in the form of drops and tablets. Tablets from mastopathy Mastodinone are taken in the morning and in the evening for 3 months (but not less than 6 weeks). Also twice a day take drops from mastopathy Mastodinone - 30 drops, which can be diluted with water. Drops should be shaken before use, and using with water or other liquid, they should be well stirred in it.