Consequences of drug abortion

Medical abortion is the completion of pregnancy, which occurs due to the use of tablets, excluding surgical evacuation. This procedure is non-contact, and, therefore, less dangerous for the female body. But, unfortunately, even the fact that the risks are minimized, there is a possibility of the appearance of unpleasant consequences of drug abortion.

More details about the process itself, indications and complications - read in our article.

How is the medical termination of pregnancy?

In order to understand how the drug abortion is taking place, you need to know a few important things about the hormonal changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. So, in the second half of the cycle, after ovulation, there is a small "scar" in place of the "adult" ovum. This is called the yellow body. In case of pregnancy, the yellow body continues to "work" producing a hormone called progesterone, which "stores" the embryo and prevents its "rejection". Drugs that are used for drug abortion have an antiprogestronic effect. That is, the dose of the drug "replaces" the entire amount of the pregnancy hormone, which can no longer ensure the preservation of the embryo. Thus, the uterus receives a signal - to contract, and the cervix - to open. Next is the expulsion of the embryo.

Indications and contra-indications of a medicamentous method of abortion

Indication of drug abortion:

1. Pregnancy for up to 49, 56 or 63 days from the last menstrual period (the deadline depends on the legislation in the country).

2. Pregnancy, in which surgical abortion can give serious complications:

Contraindications for drug abortion

- a woman does not understand the information provided;

- a woman needs time to resolve;

- A woman can not return to check.

Side effects of drug abortion


Complications after drug abortion

1. Bleeding after drug abortion is a normal occurrence, if it is short-lived and not abundant. On average, during the 13 days from the day of taking the medicine, spotting is the norm. If a woman has to use 2 large pads per hour for 24 hours and signs of anemia appear - dizziness, severe weakness, medical intervention is urgently required.

2. Incomplete termination of pregnancy - this conclusion can be made by the doctor after a second study of the patient. The further actions of the doctor in this case are based on the condition of the woman, as well as her wishes: it is possible to use one more dose of the drug, or surgical evacuation.

3. Continuation of pregnancy:

In this case, vaakum - aspiration is prescribed

4. An extremely rare consequence of a drug-induced termination of pregnancy is an infection.

Its signs:

In the event of an infection, the doctor prescribes broad spectrum antibiotics and aspiration if remains of the embryo are present.