Means for sunburn in the solarium

Many girls love summer mainly for the fact that at this time of year the skin acquires a very seductive chocolate shade. But now it's not necessary to wait for the summer months to look tanned. Artificial ultraviolet rays will help to look attractive all year round. The main thing is to stock up the tanning facilities in the solarium and you can safely go to the procedure. However, many women do not recognize such cosmetics. And very vain.

Why do we need sunblock in a solarium?

Like natural, artificial ultraviolet rays can damage the skin. In addition, it is important to understand that even special cameras can not make a permanent tan that can last for several months.

Means for the tanning salon are needed in order that the skin more and more evenly darkened, and the tanned shade subsequently persisted for as long as possible. Before use, they do not interfere with the scrubbing of the epidermis.

How to choose a means for a tanning salon?

There are several basic types of cosmetics for artificial sunburn:

  1. Activators are needed to enhance the effect.
  2. The use of developers promotes more active production of melanin .
  3. Prolongators, as you can understand, make tan more resistant. They also moisturize the skin and soften it.

The best means-activators for the solarium - causing a tingle effect and containing in the composition tyrosine. The latter is a protein that takes a direct part in the production of melanin. Such cosmetics gives an easy effect of burning and tingling. But this only adds realism to the tanning process in the solarium. Activators should not be applied immediately before the session. It is better to do this a couple of hours before the procedure.

Means for enhancing tanning in the solarium sometimes contain bronzer - substances that additionally color the skin. Sometimes they are offered a natural alternative - a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice, for example, has a similar result. After a tasty drink tan falls much better.

Choose cosmetics carefully. It should be quite expensive. Otherwise, the desired result will not be achieved. The best for tanning in a solarium are the means of such producers: